Y'know I'm not into RPS but good god is the world making it hard for me not to ship J2. First with the whole living together thing and all the pictures of them looking adoringly at each other. Now this, which just makes me want soppy, romantic wedding fic.
Pic found vid
capslock_spn. It's a kind of hilarious mistake to make, especially with fandom still squeeing about how they live together.
It's like we have Sam and Dean for the dark, fucked up stuff and Jared and Jensen for the omgcute sappy romance. Which isn't even my thing but I am craving it like woah. RPS always makes me feel kind of uncomfortable so I haven't really read much but I can see that changing in the future.
I swear to god, this fandom just ripped right through all my morals squicks. I <3 it.
Although I'm a bit bummed that soon every one will being going crazy over the season four premiere and I'm only half way through season three. Oh well, I will catch up and it will be awesome.
Still talking about Supernatural last night I watched Malleus Maleficarum
Brother touching.
Hardcore!Sam makes me happy.
Also, I shall probably be without internet this weekend. Pity me.