Project Dreadnought - Holy Crap an actual update!

Jun 23, 2011 20:17

There has been something of a pause on the ole dreadnought. Since the last update I've completed a landraider, 10 Grey Knights, some more Deathwing, started a Genestealer and even fitted in an Ultramarine tutorial. So what the hell has been going on?

Basically after the last update I wasn't happy. I was pursuing my tried and tested bone colour scheme but it just wasn't getting my painting mojo working. That followed by my new Deathwing colourscheme affected my mojo further, as I just couldn't get into painting this guy further. So, there was something of a pause until "paint club" this weekend, where I finally decided "fuck it" and slapped reaper master series Bone Shadow onto the bone areas and started over.

As a quick reminder, this is where I'd got too with the old scheme.

That's right, it was all a bit Coldplay!

I then followed that up with a mid tone of reaper polished bone, blending onto the shadow as I went.

I then washed all the bone with a diluted wash of 3 parts gryphonne sepia to 1 part devalan mud.

Following that I redid the mid tone with the Polished Bone, blending again over a smaller area than before.

I then applied Aged Bone as my first tier highlight, again blending it onto the model as I went, trying to keep a smooth transition to the darker tones.

I'm much more pleased with the model now. The bone effect isn't as yellow as it was and has taken me less than half the time to achieve, which considering I'm doing a torso and 5 different arms is a big time saving.

The quirk of all this is that the earlier bone coat has provided a slight warming yellow throughout, which means the bone effect isn't as cool here as it is on the land raider or the other new Deathwing. I'm wondering how I can bring that into play in future, in a way that isn't hugely time consuming. It may be that I mix some bubonic brown into the Bone Shadow before I base with it. Alternatively I may actually try undercoating with bubonic brown, which is probably a little mad, but worth a shot.

Anyhoo, project dreadnought is now "game on" again.
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