I would tell you all what happened yesterday, but I all remember is that Marla and me walked home together, with Cam, but then his grandma picked him up. Haha.
I'm really bored right now. I've been practicing, a lot. And each time I play the concerto, i'm not sure if i'm rushing this one part or not. Which is really bugging me, so hopefully I can play it for Mrs. Lobbestael because we perform it together! I hope I don't mess up like a I did at the recital. It wasn't a major mistake, but I knew I messed up. And I was upset. Not crying, but dissappointed.
I just found this, so I thought I would take it and post it!
Take the quiz:
"which phantom of the opera character r u?"
christine daae
youre the angel-voiced christine daae! you're sympathetic, caring, and beautiful. you can also be a real softie when it comes to hard decisions made by a real dark, but sensitive romantic. you also have a thing for men of mystery and that's probaly why you have a thing for the phantom. and you also have a thing for loving and supportive men so that's why you and raoul have been together since childhood. you're also very gutsy and courageous in any situation even when the chances of winning are very grim. that's why you're so likeable by any boy or girl.