Feb 11, 2004 01:20
Long time, no update.
So here's the deal on all things new and exciting here at Camp Trin:
1) I'm pledging a greek on campus, Pike, and so far it's been everything I hoped it would be. Going into college I didn't want to go to a place where the social scene would be dominated by an exclusive greek-only culture and one of the reasons I chose Trinity was because I found through talking to people that while they definitely were the main source of entertainment on a given weekend, you weren't out of the loop if you didn't belong to a Frat. I think this has actually somewhat contributed to my actually wanting to join because I really was able to get to know quite a few of the greeks before I made my choice (or even decided to make a choice) and I couldn't be happier. The group of guys with whom I'm pledging are awesome, and I'm really excited about the possibilities that await this semester. At the very least, I'm going to walk away with a truly awesome experience with perhaps what is arguably one of the most straightforward and well-intentioned group of guys on campus. Rock on.
2) Women - non-existent, but there are quite a few with whom I either have an interest of have expressed an interest. Valentine's day is coming up - I hope this isn't the first time in four years I haven't had a valentine. The Praxis party the other night provided some drunken insight into a previously ambiguous girl's true thoughts - much to my delight - though it doesn't alleviate another problem directly related to her. The other person I have found myself increasingly attracted to has tried to reach out to me two times online after late weekend nights but I've either been out still or fallen asleep before each of those instances. She's somewhat shy, and I really wish I had been around to have those conversations. The third is something that's almost childish in some silly way, but I really really like it. She's a member of Chapel Singers and I can rarely recall her name, but we've talked so many times on Sunday and last night we kept catching each-other glancing at one another across the aisle, exchanging glances, smiles and heartbeats.
I really want to keep getting butterflies around her - she has the kind of smile that could knock you out cold if you didn't expect it.
Every girl should smile like she does.
3) Other things - The guys from home need to make a trip up here to throw down A.S.A.P. Reading week is coming next week and I have from Tuesday-Tuesday off from Tutorial - GET YOUR ASSES UP HERE - punch and pie will be served :-) Crew officially kicks off on Sunday, which means my out-of-shape ass will be whipped into Larry Gluckman shape very quickly. Ouch. Other than that, not much is new, save for the fact that the Cure "Greatest Hits" CD I just downloaded from iTunes has absolutely floored me.
I forgot how fucking unbelievable they are.
Comment people!