Your CHOICE of thoughts!

Aug 30, 2005 09:17

you can, in an instant, choose any thought you wish.

choose the thoughts that will get you up and point you forward
* * * * * * *

What's with this DEAD AIR type of day?
I look outside and the air, everything in nature, feels like DEAD WEIGHT !
Probably the edge of Katrina... the devastation seen in the States is incredible.
After Juan, I can only imagine...

Had a most wonderful time with my friend last night.
Things got a little hectic, but I was grateful things turned out the way they did...
supper was : Lobster; Crab legs; Ceasar pasta BLT salad; garlic bread; 2 bottles of wine...

As a result, house was a mess this morning, even tho dad-man did some of the dishes last night.
I tackled half of the rest whilst my coffee was brewing... the rest will be tackled after this.

Daughter played her exhibtion game in Halifax yesterday, to get used to the turf conditions for their provincial playdowns this weekend. I had to run in to bring her her cleats, as she'd forgotten them. The man was VERY upset with her, and so she was upset when I arrived. Embarrased too as they'd brought a friend over and she was witness to it... Poor thing.

I called up a couple of D's friends, and asked them to GET THE PARTY STARTED!
A surprise birthday party to be held here, tomorrow night.
Since daughter knows about his surprise, she goes, you're not planning a surprise one for me are you?
Me?? NO, why would i do that? (so now I have no choice but to "plan" hers WITH her for Friday night)

Soccer up the yin-yang for the next week. It'll be busy.
I am soo happy that I took this week off...
I am grateful that I am doing all this... for them, and for me.
I still need to finish purging... this weather forecast for the next few days will be the perfect motivator n'est ce pas?

Choose to have a most beautiful day !!
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