Today, I choose to think only those thoughts that uplift and empower me.

Aug 26, 2005 17:24

so the kids have cut the lawn(s)
daughter cut the neighbour-lady's lawn and whipper-snippered
son did our lawn, and whippered snippered
they both put up the tent - so it can dry in this beautiful, beautiful day

son offered to put neighbour ladies wood away - it got delivered yesterday
she said she will need them but to wait a couple of days
she's got nowheres to stack it yet...

I told them how proud I am of them and the work they did...

her hair looks great - no major change, just got rid of the "rat's nest"
my hairdresser is a no-nonesense type of gal
and told my girl she had "ratty" hair
my girl was not impressed
I laughed
and kinda said, not in so many words:
"the truth hurts don't it?"

I LOVE my hair
Short(er) again
and son did not SHAVE it all off.
just a trim for him, LOL

Girlie left with dad-man
wearing her new top...
MAN she looks SOOOoo goood
Emma will be there so I am sure they will hang around together and have girlie laughs
yay for them

son is leaving shortly for his party

I will be all alone
at home by myself
for a couple of hours
HOW WONDERFUL !!! (see me dancing around ??)

methinks a nice glass of wine
some chicken wings
on the deck with mah book
Ni-I-Iice!! ??

dad man and I had a nice chat on the deck earlier,
an afternoon cup of coffee,
we were laughing and such,
t'was nice.

we have to go to East Hants tomorrow for daughter's Challenge Cup game
Perhaps we'll go see the Brother's Grimm tomorrow night...
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