Title: Dirty Little Secret ((leaving this up as a standalone fic))
Pairing: Sehun/Suho
Word Count: 7,300+ (83k overall)
Rating: NC-17 (R overall)
Summary: Sehun's date with 'Sugar Daddy' and the following night. Also Sehun finds out that Jongin's been skipping out on his shifts at the bar and giving them to Baekhyun.
Note: for the sake of fic,
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BUT BESIDES THAT I WAS ACTUALLY GOING TO COMMENT TOO LMAO I just had to find a right time to sit down bc yaknow work and shits
but oooo as much as I love kaiyeol /you know/ I really really liked this side into the seho story O__O [I also maybe like bottom suho too]
and like joonmyun's thoughts about sehun are all so like oh i am rich man and oh no sehun and just wanting the boy despite not even being 19 yet holy shit the towel detail HAHA
but I really really enjoyed sehun's pov a lot *__* it's just so real and... not nice
and how his life kinda really isn't ideal [imo at least] and I really don't understand these energy can selling business but it's nice to see sehun finding his time with joonmyun to be actually /nice/ and something he wants to continue and its just u___u I like the idea of sehun actually liking joonmyun for who he is yes and not his $$$$$
i wonder how their relationship will continue onwards to~ :o how joonmyun reacts when he finds out more about sehun? and the drug dealing and stuff?
also sehun caring about jongin all this mystery and jesus uni au u___u
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