The saga so far...

Mar 30, 2007 09:59

unerudite and a few others posted about banks and credit-institutions being tards yesterday... I thought I'd chime in with my own tard bank story...

A long while back, I got an ANZ Visa Debit account. After a while, I found ANZ slow and unreliable with updating balances and money transfers. So after heaps of issues and numerous complaints being ignored, I got an account with someone else, I left enough money for account keeping fees, but otherwise I cleared the account out.

So I hadn't used it in a short while when I called them up to cancel it... (paraphrasing my self and ANZ drones.)
"I'm sorry sir, but you have a $6 debit on your account that must be cleared prior to our being able to close your account."
"Ok, sure, can I pay for it by credit?" Which wasn't really credit, as it was on a debit card, but you know.
"No, you must either go to a branch, use bPay or direct deposit the money into the account."
"Ok, I'll try to get to a branch sometime this week..."

A week later...
"Hi, I couldn't make it into a branch, could I please get the bPay details so I can close my account?"
"I'm sorry sir, you can't bPay the amount, you must go to a branch or direct deposit the amount."
"Well so and so said I could, but anyhow can I grab the direct deposit details then?"
"Yes, they are ..."
"Ok, once I've deposited the money, will the account be closed?"
"Yes sir."

I went for months thinking everything was peachy. Until a week or so back a letter from a collection agency comes along demanding $100+...
"WTF is this letter about? I closed my account with you bastards a long time ago."
"It appears that you didn't deposit enough money into the account, there was a $12 debit when your $6 cleared. We then charged you four months account keeping fee, an over-drawn fee, a dishonour fee and interest on it all."
"WTF for? I told you to cancel the account when I last spoke to you tards."
"I'm sorry sir, the account has been closed, but as there was a debit on the account, the account had to be put in 'maintenance' where upon you can't access it but we can still ream you with charges."
"HTF does that work?"

The saga goes on... fuckers.

I was going to do the thefridayfive, but I ran out of time!

stupid people, banks

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