Christmas splurge 2007

Jan 18, 2008 02:40

Look what came in the mail!!!! It came in just before christmas... but procrastination is the reason why I'm only blogging now LOL

Aren't the little cards from Refreshment so so pretty?
The bois definitely sound a lot better off the CD. I bought Park Hyoshin just to hear how good Lost will sound. I'm not disappointed. And the rest of the CD is growing on me. On repeat. :P
Refreshment is a lot of fun on the computer as everybody knows by now it includes the equalizer program where it lets you play around with different instruments/vocals parts of the song. It's fun to actually hear what everybody is playing. But I actually turned off everything and left only hongki's vocals on and listened to him sing. It was amazing <333
Next on the shopping list is:-
Eru Vol 3
Izi (if I can even find it!!!)
Baek Ji Young Vol6 (will someone ps upload this on MF/FS/DV instead of MU... I hate to buy it without at least a preview grrrrr then again it's BJY so I'll probably buy it :P)
You know, regardless how much I love Shin Hyesung's voice, I don't know, I just got tired of his songs... I prefer Eru now... I hope it's a phase... just a phase...
And yes, I'd pay ridiculous amounts of money for EHB on dvd... if they ever release it with eng subs. That series kills me! But for now, I have YT. THanks muishie/gomdorii although you'd never ever read this <3

parkhyoshin, cd, yesasia, ftisland

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