I will not hesitate to bring the hammer down on any clown that comes around!

Nov 17, 2009 22:26

Tell you brothers it just dont make any damn sense! The manifest, the shipping log, the ledgers, all records are consistent with that damn shipment.

If anything else was in there, it would have to weigh somethin.

Whatever it was they got it out before we got there.

Nah, why would they still have all the guards there if they got all the drugs out? Nah, them crackers were protectin something.

But we checked every single crate, every stinking bottle!

Man I'm with you Dynamite, that babbling cracka knows something.

What that guard said, I keep running through my head... Code Kansas, you people wont be so big anymore... Code Kansas, it just dont make no damn sense!

Hey sweet thing! You know what dont make no sense is the service around this mother fucker - Bitch, do you see us?

I'd like 2 sausage links, 2 sausage patties, 2 hot dogs, split down the middle twice, okay? Baloney; fry that up into a donut, slice that with the spatula, then smush fry it, and 1 waffle please.

I can get you a waffle, but all we got is the chicken from last night. Now I can bring you some of that if you want some meat.

.....Chicken and waffles?!?!

Take it easy brother, it aint her fault. Sorry sister, we is all just a little uptight, but if you bring us some of them good ass waffles, everything'll be alright. Man you guys ain't had no waffles like these, these waffles is so good, it's like they come from down south, these buttery motherfuckers will melt in your mouth. Man you ain't had no -

Wait! Hold on, what did you just say? You said... "Melt... in your mouth!" Quick *Rubs down chalkboard* What else melts in your mouth?


Exactly! And not in your hands! And who makes M&MS?

....White man.

No, dig, dig... Mars Candy Company makes it!

And Mars is also...

The Roman god of war!

That's what I'm talking 'bout! Right on!

Who is the Greek god of war?


Now... you take Mars and spell it backwards, drop the S.

Uhhmm Ram! Thats right, and ram is the izodeiological sign for Aries!

Oh hoh! Now dig... Ares' half sister is Athena.

Now you gettin it!

Woah woah woah, Athena... Athens!

Which is the capital of Greece!

And as we all know, izodeiological was created by the Greeks in...

785 BC!

And 785 is the area code for Topeka... oh my god... 785 is the area code for Topeka, Kansas! CODE KANSAS!

Then you take that, and spell it backwards... drop the S.

Snack... snake doc... snake doctor!

Yes, and brothers... who is the Greek demigod of medicine? Who believed that snakes tongues had mystical healing powers?

Asclepius, of course! He had a staff with snakes intertwining all around that bitch, called it Asclepiuss' staff, it's a symbol, the medical field uses it to this day!

Now what legend, involving snakes, is in both Greek and Roman mythology? Come on! It involves Asclepius' own father!


Yeah, thanks lady.

Thats right, Apollo slew the serpant at Delphi, which was... a big ass snake!

And what, brothers... is the biggest snake in the world?

The South American Anaconda!

What she said.

Anaconda malt liquor! And whas is the slogan for Anaconda malt liquor? "Anaconda malt liquor gives you OOOOOOOOOOO!" Gives you what? OOOOOOOOOO!

And who else is famous for OOOOOOO?

Little Richard! Who? Little Richard!

So, what they really saying is...

"Anaconda malt liquor gives you... Little Richard!"

And what is another word for Richard?

Everyone looks to their pants, yells and runs out the door!
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