Mar 31, 2005 19:48

So I have been riding my bike everyday sept bout one or two days a week... its healthy. Today I was heading down hanncock parkway when a lady pulled up to a stop sign infront of me. I noticed that she couldnt even head out into traffic so I started to head infront of her when her car just didnt stop... it kept moving in for me! it hit me square on and the big grill bar hit my arm and side the bumper hit my leg and next thing i know i am looking up at her truck with my bike almost ran over, thats when I thought she was going to just run my bike over and take off but i jumped up infront of the truck like what and she jumped out freaking out~ she kept asking if i was ok and i was i dont know i just got hit by a truck...she yells that she cant afford this and i heard a lil baby in the backseat crying, i said "you cant afford this?" and she goes "they" got me on probation~ so i ask how much money she has and she hollers money?!~ and runs to her truck and hands me a wad of fives, i go well im ok what about my bike and she gives me her cell number freaking out the whole times says she wants go give me a hug hugs me now shes freaking me out and im like aigh is this 20 bucks? shes like no its 15 and im like aigh whatever and take off... when i met erich halfway at the bike shop i handed him 10 bucks and said sorry i was late here is the money i owed you from last week i earned just it!!!!! Oh and my cousin Danny called me today too~*~

I got hit by a truck and didnt even skin a knee i came away unscathed^ the petal on my bike got owned and the trampoline session was well worth the ride
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