Dec 04, 2008 11:21
I wasn't feeling well most of the day yesterday, so I pretty much slept all day. I was up for a couple hours in the evening though, long enough to do an AIM long with Maddie, Reppy, Katie and Cassandra-san. ♥ It was drama-rific. xD;
The only thing I ate yesterday was a bagel. Still not hungry, but I made some vegetarian lasagna anyway because I know I need to eat. Also, out of boredom, I put together a stew to cook in the slow cooker for tonight. The bunnies got lots of veggie trimmings.
Tonight I'm probably going to get baking again. I still have shortbread to do, plus other cookies and stuff as well.
Been up since 4 this morning. After sleeping all day yesterday I guess it makes sense. I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep, so I'm puttering around, watching movies and rping and stuff to kill time. Today is vampire and werewolf movies. 30 Days of Night, Skinwalkers and right now The Forsaken. Fun stuff.
Yesterday morning the red wig I ordered for Lavi cosplay at AN (and possibly/probably Otakon) came in. It's the perfect colour, but longer than it needs to be, so I have to trim it, and then style it so it sticks up where it's supposed to. In January I'm ordering a pair of boots for Lavi and Org13 Demyx; I'm going to use them for both cosplays, and just add the white to them for Lavi with tape or something. Yay cosplay. ♥
Along with some stuff I ordered for people for Christmas, I also have a few things coming in that are just for me because I wanted them and happen to have some extra money this month. >.> A copy of the movie Werewolf Samurai because I just couldn't pass it up. WEREWOLF. SAMURAI. FUCK YEAH. Also a Suzumiya Haruhi figma figure (that I think is in scale with my Kadaj figure so I'm tempted to take lulzy pics of them for Pronnie), and a playarts Axel figure from the third formation arts set.
My next accuisitions will be the Axel figure to go with my Roxas one, and Reno from Advent Children. :3 Then a bunch of other ones because there's like fifty KH/FF/misc figures that I want.
Oh, and completely random, but I asked for Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories for Christmas. DO WANT. Also, Tales of the Abyss, which I can't find anywhere dammit.
EDIT: My formation arts Axel just came in. :D He's on the shelf next to Agito now. ♥
EDIT #2: ...I just fell down the last half of the stairs. I bent one toe backward until it popped out of joint. Luckily, it popped back in on it's own when I flexed my foot. But fuck, that hurt. I hate it when I dislocate joints. ><; Before you ask, yes, it's a relatively common occurrance. >>;;
christmas 2008,
video games,
personal injury,