People. Are getting cookies for Christmas this year. SURPRISE.
I just spent five hours baking like 12 dozen shortbread cookies, and I'm only about 1/4 done. xD;; So many cookies. Good thing I like baking. HOMEMADE SENA COOKIES YOU SHOULD ALL BE GRATEFUL LAWL. If you find stray cat hairs in them... yay extra fibre? 8D;;
I'm going to be mailing out the overseas Christmas packages this week coming up, hopefully, and then the Canada/US ones over the following couple of weeks. ♥
I'm hoping that they all arrive by Christmas, but no guarantees, especially to Cassandra-san (because it always takes like three months to get things to her in the Phillipines >.<;) and Steph, Reppy and Kane because... for some reason the post office is taking forever to get things to Scotland lately. .__.; Also probably Mari, Nikki and Michi, but I'm not sure because I've never really mailed anything to the places where they live. ^^;
I'll be hitting some people up for addresses in the next couple days, I just have to go through the ones I have and see who I still need them from. :D
Your rainbow is shaded violet and green.
What is says about you: You are an intelligent person. You appreciate beauty and craftsmanship. Those around you admire your fresh outlook and vitality. You are patient and will keep trying to understand something until you've mastered it.
Find the colors of your rainbow at EDIT: I need addresses from the following people, either because I haven't got it yet or because I've misplaced it, or because I lost it when my computer crashed a couple months ago. >>;
kiersethlipstickcatcat_mcdougallonewhomustnurissatoxicatedpoisonmarlicksiafantacinationiambickilometeriyo_chanmaus_kaut ...and also Meev and Kaz, who for some reason I don't have on my f-list. Oo; I need your lj names so I can add you! =O Other than that, I think that's everyone. Later on I'll post a list of everyone I'm mailing stuff to, just in case, and if I forgot anyone they can give me internet-kicks. >>;
Anyway, leave a comment here with your address. I promise I'm not a stalker much. ♥ Comments will be screened. Or, you can email it to me at sena.shenta[at]gmail[dot]com. :)