Oct 25, 2008 09:05
xtheleadingmanx (9:16:52 PM): Then I just need a nice comfy hoodie and a haircut and I'll be stylin'.
SenashentaChan (9:17:02 PM): lol yeah
xtheleadingmanx (9:17:14 PM): I'll be HIP.
xtheleadingmanx (9:17:17 PM): It'll rock.
SenashentaChan (9:17:25 PM): XD;;;
SenashentaChan (9:17:43 PM): I can't be hip because all my stuff is packed away.
xtheleadingmanx (9:17:50 PM): Aww.
SenashentaChan (9:18:04 PM): Plus, when I try I just end up falling on my face, and that somewhat cancels it out. 8D
xtheleadingmanx (9:18:29 PM): Ahaha!
xtheleadingmanx (9:18:37 PM): XD Yeah, I guess that's true.
xtheleadingmanx (9:18:49 PM): But it's not like you spend all day falling off buses, right?
SenashentaChan (9:19:01 PM): No, generally not.
SenashentaChan (9:19:14 PM): But like, down the stairs or out of the shower, yeah. XD;
xtheleadingmanx (9:19:23 PM): Ouch! Down the stairs?!
SenashentaChan (9:19:38 PM): Yeah, I do that on a regular basis.
SenashentaChan (9:19:44 PM): Or UP the stairs, which is even more epic. SenashentaChan (9:20:10 PM): I win at stairs faceplants. XD;
xtheleadingmanx (9:20:40 PM): It's like you have a degree in falling. *giggle* It's kind of charming.
SenashentaChan (9:21:06 PM): Charming is not a word I've heard used to describe it before. XD;;
xtheleadingmanx (9:21:59 PM): Well, it's like "Oh, she has an interesting quirk."
xtheleadingmanx (9:22:07 PM): I know nobody else that does this.
SenashentaChan (9:23:24 PM): I'm somewhat... flighty. Like, I don't pay attention to what I'm doing. Which I'm told really contradicts my intelligence. xD;
SenashentaChan (9:23:31 PM): Plus sometimes I just get too excited.
SenashentaChan (9:23:48 PM): Like a puppy that runs into a glass door on the way outside. >>;;
Oh AIMchats ILU. What is with all the awesome conversations lately? Or maybe I just find them more amusing than they actually are because I'm so burnt out and stressed. xD;
Hmm. Been up for almost three hours now. Yeah, woke up at 6 and couldn't get back to sleep. So I watched some of Happy Feet (which, contrary to the impression I got from the ads, is actually a really good movie. I want the soundtrack to it.), and then did a bunch of dishes. And I mean a TON of them; I haven't done dishes in like two weeks because of being so busy with other stuff. -__-; Ew. So those are all washed, and ready to be packed away. I'll just leave like one plate/fork/spoon/knife/bowl/cup for the next couple days.
Later today I have to pack all that up, then start going through my cupboards and boxing all the food that I won't need in the next three days so it can go over to Mom's. I also need to empty out my little fridge up here and unplug it to defrost so it'll be done and dry by the time the movers come on Tuesday.
Now I'm downloading the Vampire Knight OST and watching The Lost Boys.
Note to self: Things to squee over/squee over more when you have time:
1) Tales of the Abyss anime.
2) Junjou Romantica 2.
3) Vampire Knight ~Guilty~
note to self