Oct 18, 2008 12:32
Holy hell, I fucked up my shoulder. If I had fallen or something I would think I'd cracked my collar bone, but all I did was sit down and pull the chair in. So unless I have some severe osteoperosis, I don't know wtf is going on. DX
IT HURTS SO DAMN MUCH. I can't move my shoulder joint without turning white from the pain. And in half an hour, I'm supposed to be moving a shitload of boxes up and down the stairs with Lee. 8D THAT WILL BE EPIC FUN, I CAN JUST TELL. =__=;;
I'm sure I just pinched a nerve or something, because there's really no other explanation, but still. Ugh. Right now I'm watching Unrest and hoping by the time Lee gets here my shoulder won't be blindingly painful anymore.
personal injury