Today was nothing special aside from being Cage Day, so I spent a long while cleaning everything out; unfortunately, Bedrock died yesterday, but that meant today I moved Kori, Roxy and Axel around a bit.
Now Roxy and Axel are in a smaller cage (with a wheel, ZOMG!), and I transferred Kori from his old cage to the big terrarium (they're about the same size, actually), which just means he can't throw stuff all over the floor anymore. lol. I'm trying to contain the mess as much as I can. I <3 terrariums.
Anyway, the mice are all over the place climbing and exploring (as mice will do), and Kori seems very happy in the terrarium. He especially likes the log cabin because it has windows and stuff for him to poke his head out of, whereas his house in the cage was one of those plastic igloo looking things. It's probably much cooler in the cabin, too. :)
I also gave him a bath today, which he wasn't so thrilled with. xD; He hasn't had a bath in forever, but at least bathing one squirming rat is easier than dealing with three!
And now Pagan's cage has been moved over to where Kori's used to be, so now I have access to my storage-dresser again! :D
ghauighuiralehgu;lk wtf, the terrarium looks clean to the naked eye, but every time I take a pic, it looks spotty and stuff. ><; On a completely unrelated note, Kori looks really fat in this, haha! He's not actually so pudgy IRL. <3
Now~ tonight I need to finish cleaning and packing because tomorrow I'm going to Grandma's and staying for a week (she has Internet so everything will stay the same online anyway). She really needs some company right now, and while I can't stay forever because of my critters (Sarah is going to take care of them while I'm away), I do want to visit a bit and hopefully that'll help her feel a bit better...
Also, apparently the neighbors were over to talk with Robin today, and he was showing them the kayak in the garage (I guess he and Jayne kayak? O.o), and they saw the corner where I have all my spare cages stashed, and told Sarah if I ever decided I didn't want them they would buy one because they're thinking about getting a hamser or something.
I'd rather not get rid of them (because without fail, every time, I get rid of my spare/old cages and then end up needing them about two weeks later), but at this point I have like a billion of them, so I'm sure I could afford one. And I could use the cash... hmm...