Nov 25, 2006 23:10
I made myself a twins holiday icon. Yey my first actual icon instead of just cropping a picture. Happy happy.
So I met up with Sui-chan today, which was really nice. Wow, I hadn't seen her in so long! She hasn't changed almost at all-- but then neither have I, lol.
We didn't do anything really special, just wandered downtown so I could buy some glue (for ponies) and zip ties (also for ponies); and I got crayons, because I can't find mine. >>;; Of course I still draw with crayons sometimes. Must you really ask?
Then we came back to my place so she could meet all my animals, and, you know, see where I live. Now she knows how to get here, so she'll probably drop by once in a while, which will be nice. :)
I was supposed to do groceries today, but I was with Sui-chan when Lee and Sarah went to do them, so I sent my list with them and they picked some stuff up for me. I still have other things I need to get, but I didn't have enough money for all of them today so I have to pick up the rest later... maybe on Thursday night or Friday.
Yep yep.
ouran high school host club,