I got into the Furuba manga last spring... I think. Now I'm all caught up on it and waiting for the next volume to come out. *fidgets* lol.
Actually, it doesn't happen often, but I find myself loving almost all the characters; I tend to switch back and forth between them, depending on the situation. ^_^; But overall, I keep coming back to Momiji, probably because his evolution as a character/person really interests me. He's really different in the later parts of the story than he was in the beginning.
But yeah. Also a big fan of Kyo and Yuki. =3 *totally didn't name one of her rats "Yuki" when she got him last year* *innocent eyes*
Also, since I forgot to mention it before, I absolutely LOVE your LJ layout. <3
I was shown the Furuba anime a couple years back (a friend got some Hong Kong ripoffs before it was licensed) and I really enjoyed it. Last year, Steph (moradoshinigami, my girlfriend) picked up the box set and we loved it. We only recently (within the last 6 months) started reading the manga. We own up to volume 12, but I'm only on volume 10. (She's only on volume 6, cuz...we're busy.)
In the anime, I love every single one of the characters. I'm finding, though, that in the manga, I'm starting to dislike Shigure and Akito greatly. Which makes me sad cuz I loved Anime Shigure. He cracked me up.
Thank you! Stephie made it. (Though I made the FO banner. I love YukixKyo.)
I own up to volume 12, and I've read scanlations up to the first few chapters of volume 15. It's the best manga I've ever read, and I get the feeling that it's going to stay pretty high up on my list of favorites from now on. ^^
Anime Shigure was really different, but I think it's because the anime went with a different ending-- it only covered the first few volumes, so all of Shigure's secretive plotting and stuff was cut out. They could make him more of a comedy character that way.
As for Akito... =_=;; Yeah, I'm not really fond of Akito. I started reading the manga before I saw the series, and he's just so unbelievable cruel. I will admit that he's one of the best villains that I've come across so far, though. He was meant to be evil, and he's definitely that. I think he's the kind of villain that you love to hate. ^^;
That actually happened to me. I thought my entire life that I was a horse, but found out last year that the Chinese New Year had fallen a day after I was born, making me actually a snake.
Definitely more confusing than it needs to be. ^^; Though I guess it's probably not so much for the Chinese people themselves, since they run by that calendar. ^_^;;
Personality-wise, I'm kind of a mix of the Rat and the Boar. I wish I actually was a Rat, though. *loves Yuki* =3
Comments 9
I'm also NOT liking Shigure in the manga. He's a JACKASS.
Actually, it doesn't happen often, but I find myself loving almost all the characters; I tend to switch back and forth between them, depending on the situation. ^_^; But overall, I keep coming back to Momiji, probably because his evolution as a character/person really interests me. He's really different in the later parts of the story than he was in the beginning.
But yeah. Also a big fan of Kyo and Yuki. =3 *totally didn't name one of her rats "Yuki" when she got him last year* *innocent eyes*
Also, since I forgot to mention it before, I absolutely LOVE your LJ layout. <3
In the anime, I love every single one of the characters. I'm finding, though, that in the manga, I'm starting to dislike Shigure and Akito greatly. Which makes me sad cuz I loved Anime Shigure. He cracked me up.
Thank you! Stephie made it. (Though I made the FO banner. I love YukixKyo.)
Anime Shigure was really different, but I think it's because the anime went with a different ending-- it only covered the first few volumes, so all of Shigure's secretive plotting and stuff was cut out. They could make him more of a comedy character that way.
As for Akito... =_=;; Yeah, I'm not really fond of Akito. I started reading the manga before I saw the series, and he's just so unbelievable cruel. I will admit that he's one of the best villains that I've come across so far, though. He was meant to be evil, and he's definitely that. I think he's the kind of villain that you love to hate. ^^;
That actually happened to me. I thought my entire life that I was a horse, but found out last year that the Chinese New Year had fallen a day after I was born, making me actually a snake.
Talk about confusing.
Oh. I got the rat for that quiz..
Momiji is teh awesome!
Personality-wise, I'm kind of a mix of the Rat and the Boar. I wish I actually was a Rat, though. *loves Yuki* =3
I have no idea what i am. I think I am probably snake-ish.
Though, it does explain why I've never acted like a horse...not usually anyway...
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