It was quite uncommon to see one of the Sun's Children associating with one of the Moon's, never mind that they were both in the company of one who was tied to the Earth. Their people weren't all that different, no-- they even looked similar in many ways, but despite that, their cultures were set very far apart. Still, there they were, and all eyes were upon them as they walked together, chatting and simply enjoying each other's company.
"You know, every time you two come to visit, I spend two days afterward with everyone staring like I've grown a second tail."
:I'm sure you're exaggerating, Terra.:
"Am not!"
The friendly bickering made Celine whicker softly, casting an amused glance toward her friends. As usual, she was silent, but they had long ago learned to interpret her expressions and non-verbal exclamations-- since the time they were young, playing together in the grass under the watchful eyes of the elders of Terra's Family.
In many cultures, the Moon's people were considered little more than animals; it was a misunderstanding that stemmed from their seeming lack of a spoken language. Through various means over the years, though, Ilo and Terra had come to know that the reality was different-- it wasn't that Celine couldn't speak, it was that her people saved their words, their Songs, few as they were, for when they were praying to their Creator.
:I sometimes forget how peaceful it is here.: They stood at the top of a rise near the edge of the forest. Ilo's golden eyes drifted across the valley below. :You're very lucky to live here.:
Terra glanced to him, her hide rippling in what could almost be constrewed as a shrug. "It's not as nice as you'd think. You just always come to visit during the season when the Cats are on their pilgrimidge to the East."
:I suppose...:
"You suppose." Her slightly weary tone made Celine roll her eyes skyward slightly. "Honestly, Ilo..."
:What? I just keep forgetting that you don't have as much to defend yourselves with as my people do.:
"What with the huge horn and everything."
:Look, can I help that I was born with it?:
Yay for random pointless snippets from nonexistent stories. To clarify things, since this clip doesn't really; Ilo is a Unicorn and is aligned with the sun-- his people are always colored in varied shades of gold. The Unicorns tend to be relatively solitary creatures, and rarely congregate in numbers greater than three or maybe four at a time. Usually, these are family groups, consisting of parents and young. They speak, but only telepathically.
Celine is a Pegasus, and her people are aligned with the moon-- they're rarely colored anything other than shades of silver and white. The Pegs are a lot more companionable than the Unicorns are, and enjoy spending time with friends, family, and others of their kind. Like all of her kind, Celine doesn't speak-- not because she can't, but because they save their words for when they're communicating with their God/Creator.
And finally, Terra is... a horse. Yup. Just a normal horse (with the exception that she speaks). Color-wise, she's probably either chestnut or dapple grey. I haven't entirely decided yet. ^_^; The horses are just like regular horses, nothing really special to say about them.
Terra: Thanks. -_-;;
The Cats are various species of (duh) large cats, mostly striped or spotted, and sometimes sporting wings (depending on the kind) which are the main predators in the world that I've just spontaniously created. There are other predators as well, but they're generally few and far between.
Anyway, Terra, Ilo and Celine became friends when they were young, but I haven't figured out the entire back story yet. That's the reason they're friends now that they're older, though, as usually the three species have very little to do with each other due to differences in culture/beliefs/religion.
Yup. .__.
EDIT: This little blurb is the first thing I've written literally in months... =_=;;
EDIT #2: Bah. Lj-cut for organization and my own sanity.