Take One Down, Pass It Around

Feb 13, 2006 09:53

Uncle Len came up yesterday to pick up Italia Drop, so that's one less pony hanging around here, I guess. I kinda miss her. Once I'm done the pony I'm working on now, I should get off my rear and get around to rehairing the version of ID that I made for myself to keep...

In other news, watch me whine my jaw hurts still. I think the inside of my cheek, and the gums around where the Dentist was working are bruised or something-- wouldn't surprise me. Sometimes novocaine makes me bruise for some reason that I haven't figured out yet. ^_^; Still. I'll be happy when my face doesn't ache anymore.

At least it's not all swollen or anything.

And it's snowing right now. BLEGH. *hates snow with a passion* Oh well... it's actually not so bad, as long as I'm inside.


Heh. Okay, so a couple of days ago I was at Mom's place, and decided to go through my old closet-- when I moved out, I took 98% of my stuff with me (obviously), but left my collection behind. The idea was that once I had everything organized here and had figured out where I had room for it, I would bring it over. Mom didn't mind me leaving it in the closet for a while, so it was all good.

Right. Back story.

I collect Sailormoon paraphanalia. I've been collecting it since 1996/1997, so for about ten years now. As you can imagine, I have THOUSANDS of items, all of which are meticulously boxed away right now, since I have no room for them otherwise.

It's been a long time since I went through it all, so I decided to poke through it and do a bit of an inventory; Mom sat and watched me do it, and just boggled the entire time. It was quite funny, actually. >^-^;; Said collection takes over two huge plastic tubs, four boxes (the size you would use if you were moving), three shoebox-sized boxes, and has spilled over into 'I have nowhere else to put this, so I guess it'll just sit here on the floor/shelves/whatever' space as well.

In the spring, I plan to bring it all over from her place to store it here, and when I do that I'll go through it and take an inventory, just for a lark. It should be interesting to see it all in list form. XD lol.

mlp custom, mlp, owie

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