Jul 26, 2005 16:49
Way back when it first came out, I wanted to get a copy of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, but it was around my birthday, so I didn't (just in case someone picked it up for me.) When I didn't get it then, I headed out to find a copy for myself... and couldn't. It wasn't available anywhere. Ugh.
Even now, I have yet to find it to buy. =P
So last time I was at the movie store, I rented it, since I really wanted to see it; and I finally finished watching it today. All this week I've been trying to watch it, and things just kept getting in the way. (It was actually getting rather irritating.)
But today I finished it, and I just wanted to say that I enjoyed that movie immensely. It was very off-beat, kind of like a fringe movie, but I found it really interesting and entertaining. I can see how it wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea, though. My brother, for example, probably wouldn't like it at all... but then again, he doesn't like anything that doesn't involve big explosions and gunfire. -_-;;
Now I know I definitely want a copy of it...