Amazon Weekend!

Jun 23, 2005 17:03

Some of you may or may not know about Amazon Weekend!

Basically, in highschool, though a random conversation, my friends decided it would be fun to have an "Amazon Weekend". The idea being that all of us girls banded together, skipped off into the wilderness, and frolicked/cavorted for a weekend. ^^ We used my Grandpa's hunting cabin, which was lacking in running water and electricity, but was generally fun and out in the middle of nowhere; lots of bonfires, singing at the top of our lungs, and playing poker with goldfish crackers. XD

For three years, we had Amazon Weekend once a summer, but then last year my Grandparents sold the cabin. ;__; So we didn't get to do a weekend in 2004. This year, though, Michelle has offered to have us all over to her house for a weekend (she lives in Burlington) and do the Amazon thing there.

So~~ this weekend I'm heading down to her place for a couple of days. >^-^< Mom's taking me there tomorrow afternoon, and picking me up on Sunday. I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone, since I haven't seen Pam in a year, and I haven't seen Michelle or C.A. since Christmas...

I need to remember to bring Pam's Christmas present with me, actually... ^^;;;

amazon weekend

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