Apr 24, 2005 18:58
I dreamt about animals last night...
I didn't sleep really well, but I was very comfortable, and for some reason reason, that seemed to equal Dreams About Animals. First I was filming a movie with some friends out at this old farmhouse, and there were cats and dogs all over the damn place. They kept getting into the film shots, so we were running around, gathering them all up, and sticking them in this outside pen. We ended up with four cats and three dogs, but then they kept getting out so we were constantly having to re-collect them. It was actually quite frustrating.
After that I had a dream about a kitten. ^^; It was a long-haired calico/tortiseshell with really bright blue eyes, and I had named her Apollo; for some reason I was carrying her around with me, but I don't know why, and that's all I remember of the dream, really. ^_^;
Now that I think about it, though, I might be dreaming about cats because Tri has recently decided that he likes to sleep on the bed by my feet. Not just at night, but whenever I'm laying down. >^-^;; He just curls up and grooms himself, then purrs (really loudly) and goes to sleep.
At least he's little enough that he can sleep there and not take up half the bed, like some cuddly felines by the name if "Neko" that I could point out. ^_~
Did I mention that Writer's Block sucks ass? >_<;;
I haven't been able to write anything really decent in forever, and I'm really starting to get irritated... besides which, I use my writing as an outlet for my angst--
Sterling: :THAT'S an interesting way of putting it...:
Kier: Maybe we should get some testimonials from her ficcy and RPGing alters? ^^;;
Jack: Let's not and say we did, hey?
Anyway, I use my writing as a kind of therapy (yes, hence all the crazy ANGST!fics) and not being able to write doesn't help my emotional state any. The problem is that when I'm depressed I can't write, which makes me more depressed, which makes it even harder for me to write. Hurrah for craptacular circles like that. =_=;
I'm even having trouble writing those little ficlets that everyone suggested in that writing meme. Blegh.
writer's block,