Once, someone suggested that I put up a recipe for deli-roll on my LJ (which I've actually done before) but post-date it, so that it will always remain at the top of my LJ, so that way anyone curious about deli-roll could see it.
I was too lazy then. I just typed up the recipe to send it to
maric23 anyways, so I decided that I'd finally do what was originally requested of me.
The Yellow Hobbit's Official Deli-Roll Recipe
First of all, the best thing you can possibly do for yourself is to
buy the pepperidge farm brand puff pastry dough, and LET IT DEFROST.
The former, because it easily unfolds and folds, the latter because
it's almost impossible to work with frozen dough. And it's also easier
to work with dough that defrosted over time as opposed to dough you
try to microwave to get it to defrost. Though maybe you're better at
it than I am.
Second- open up the dough so that it lays flat. It should look like this:
except that that one is laying on top of another one and there's limited space.
Then you spread a layer of honey and a layer of mustard on the dough,*
leaving a little space around the edges. this can be done either with
both at once or one at a time. I'd advocate spreading the honey right
away, as it congeals rather quickly.
Then you put down a layer of deli-meat so that it covers all the
dough. Or you can stuff in tons of meat if you really want to. I
personally like a more even meat to dough ratio, but it's a matter of
After that, you can spread more honey and mustard on top of the meat.
But not too much, or there will be too much liquid in the deli-roll
and it will drip while you are cooking it, and it's just a bad idea.
So I just put a bit of honey, if anything.
Then you fold it up:
And then bake it in the oven at around 400 degrees for about 20
minutes** or until the top starts to brown. The finished product
should look like this:
Tada! A shiny deli-roll! Or two! If eaten as the main course,*** one
deli-roll usually is sufficient for 2 people. As you add more people
the ratios change. But it also depends on the hunger of said people
and what else there is to eat. I've had gatherings of 5 people eat 5
deli-rolls. People will eat whatever deli-roll is there when it's
fresh out of the oven.
*Note: Do not use too much mustard! If you do, it ends up not tasting as good.
Another note: Do not under any circumstances use ketchup and/or
mayonnaise. That's pretty much deli-roll kefira. You could be punished
by being put in a deli-roll cherem (barred from ever again making
deli-roll) or even by deli-roll karet (not even being allowed to eat
deli-roll ever again). So just don't even think about trying it. If
someone has a mustard allergy, use just honey.
Other acceptable condiments are:
BBQ sauce (used instead of honey)
Duck sauce (used instead of both honey and mustard)
There might be more, but please check with your local deli-roll
halachic authority [LDRHA] before using them. I am the Greater Boston Area LDRHA.
For the New York area, please consult the learned
arigi. For the Philadelphia area, please contact
Other LDRHAs include:
Former residents of 403, especially YW, AL, and RL.
The famous AR and YR. AR would be the Chicago area authority, and YR can be found in Washington Heights.
ML, also in the NY area, but hopefully she will serve the communities in Israel in the near future.
If you are in need of an opinion but cannot get in touch with the above LDRHAs, please feel free to contact me and I can either give a psak by e-mail or phone, or try to find you a LDRHA.
**These figures are very rough estimates. It varies from oven to oven.
E.G. In the high-rise ovens we would cook them at 450 for 30-45
minutes to achieve the same results. At home it's sometimes less than
20 minutes at 400 degrees. I would periodically check up on your
deli-roll rather than just using a timer, at least until you know what
settings work best for your oven.
***As a side dish, you need a lot less. I'm usually asked to bring 2
for a meal of 10-15. Once you get above that it's 3-4 deli-rolls.