May 05, 2006 12:20
When Padme closes her eyes and lets her mind wander she finds her thoughts returning to Naboo. She misses her home, and her room, and the lake retreat. She misses the clear blue waters of the lake. Being able to wade into the water, or walk along the beach, or through the grass in the sun. She misses the birds singing, which on Coruscant is replaced by the sounds of speeders roaring through the skylanes.
She misses her family too. Quiet dinners. Or loud, if her sister and her family were there too. It always amazed her how much noise Ryoo and Pooja could make amongst the chatter of adults sharing stories, and discussing recent events. She misses taking the children out and playing with them and spending time with them. She wants children of her own some day- Ryoo and Pooja made her realize that. But not while things are so unsettled. Not while she's still in the Senate. Maybe not even on Coruscant.
Sure, of course there's always ways to contact them, but it just isn't the same. It's hard to play with your nieces through holo-recordings, and it's so entirely different to just be in the presence of family. So, she visits as often as she can. Which really isn't as often as she might like, but that is the life she's chosen. It's not a choice she regrets.
After all, if she hadn't accepted the position in the Senate, she wouldn't have met Anakin again and despite how much she misses him, too, while he's away, she wouldn't trade the love they share for anything.
Muse: Padme Amidala
Fandom: Star Wars (Prequels)
Word Count: 281