(no subject)

Aug 31, 2005 05:30

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1) How many monkeys could _die_color_die_ fight at once and win against? He would never, he'd have his robot army fight for him.
2) Is blue_eyed_fairy a nerd? Nah she's pure gangsta, woot woot.
3) Does purpleacidtears drink? Does Michael Jackson creep prepubescent children out, hell yeah.
4) Where was gl00mxd00mxd0ll born? Homegrown methinks.
5) Have you flirted with krazapona? *shrug*
6) What animal does ice_09 remind you of? Hmmm, I'd say a falcon.
7) Would eye742617000027 and __stumbleine look good together? I don't know.
8) Does broken_toy smoke? Cloves... and occasional wacky tobbacky
9) What flavor of jello would nailsofdecay be? Carrion.
10) Would you wrestle scarlet_crush in jello? Hmm, maybe I should do that tomorrow.
11) What color should purpleacidtears dye their hair? Purple pink and black.
12) How long would writtenreality dating __stumbleine last? I don't know.
13) Is electric_slut related to you? First true family of evil motherfucker.
14) What would writtenreality think of _die_color_die_? Prolly that he was pretty cool, but not BLACK METAL enough. hehe
15) What would you do if _die_color_die_ died? Honestly I couldn't answer that and I don't want to think about it.
16) One thing you can't stand about __stumbleine? She went over to the dark side.
17) What rank would scarlet_crush have in a giant robot army? She'd probably be the structural designer.
18) Did i_intangible break up with you? ... k fuck this quiz.
19) Is bloodybody187 popular? Damn well should be.
20) Would ice_09 go out with krazapona? No.
21) What video game does writtenreality remind you of? Muthafuckin PacMan.
22) When did you last call blue_eyed_fairy? Too long ago.
23) Would you set up nailsofdecay and bloodybody187? I don't set people up.
24) What mental disorder does nailsofdecay remind you of? Chronic brain-eating disorder.
25) What is ice_09's favorite food? Errrrr..... *runs away*
26) Do you think gl00mxd00mxd0ll is hot? Teh Sex.
27) Would you ever date lonelyconcubine? Hmmm...
28) What comic book character would writtenreality be? Gambit.
29) What word best describes nailsofdecay? Sicko.
30) What do you disagree with lonelyconcubine about? The airspeed velocity of an african swallow?
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