Jun 08, 2005 11:37
I was sitting in a class yesterday, learning all about reading balance sheets and income sheets and other fincancial information that a company might have. In 3 hours.
We're supposed to get into groups to crunch some numbers and check out how good or bad some company X is.
So the teacher asks how many people have a calculator. I raise my hand, as I need my TI-83+ to add 2+2, and carry it everywhere in school. So he asks if I could join some group on the other side of the room to help out, since they didn't have a calculator.
I nod, but don't move. He says we can get into groups now, and the girl in front of me moves. So, my mind starts to think that he had, in fact, been talking to her about the calculator thing and moving, even though I knew (from her actually saying it) that she didn't have a calculator.
The girl then looks at me, and says I should go over to where she was so they can start working. And that is when it clicks that I should actually move from my seat over to where they were sitting. Before that moment, I was just nodding with no intention of doing anything.
I've been a real space-case recently. I didn't sleep all weekend, and that might have something to do with it. But I've also been having anxiety problems recently, and I'm at a part in my project at work where I have to talk to a lot of people. My nerves aren't completely shot, but I am going into avoidance mode.
On the up-side, I now know that Dell is a good company.