May 04, 2009 11:57
Because I am actually an old woman in a young woman's body, I started a cross stitch last week. My theory is that crafting like cross stitch, crocheting and card making (especially card making) are actually crafts of the young since that is when most people learn and fall in love with them. Anyway, it got me thinking that maybe it's time to mostly let LJ die and I should move on to thematic blogging, not that there's a lack of crafting blogs at all. I think there is, however, a lack of crafting blogs written by young, working women with no children or husband.
And as for LJ... I've been writing here consistently for a number of years now(4? 5?) and it feels a little bit like the journal of a younger me. Most of the people who read it don't actually want to know about the stuff I write here, already talk to me on a regular basis or should talk to me on a more regular basis. I no longer have as much of a desire to spill my life in the anonymous world of the Internet and my life is not nearly exciting enough to do so anyway.
We'll see what happens. Recently, I've been so lazy (and preoccupied) that all Internet activity has completely slipped by the wayside.
Lunch time!