(no subject)

Nov 13, 2004 16:54

LuvLite® is the college boy’s version of Love. That’s what I’ve decided after contemplating Luc’s relationship with Mieke. Not that I actually have much to contemplate, as he will hardly offer any characterizations of her, but I can make a claim to excellence in the arts of underhanded investigation. Still, my skills have pretty much failed me this time around: there’s pitifully little to piece together. She’s Dutch, a sophomore (in that she is a second-year student, not necessarily a fool, although even I question my own sanity when it comes to the desirability of dating Luc), and, as already reported by Zoe some weeks ago, of average looks.

She changed Luc’s screensaver to read “Miek luvs you!” and that’s how I came to mull over the concept of LuvLite®. This is pop philosophy for the new millennium and should count among its adherents bubblegum stars and frivolous frat boys. It’s exactly what its name suggests: a light, calorie-reduced version of Love. It’s Love without too much emotional depth (the Jade approach might be construed as inherently unLuvlike, though I harbour my own doubts on the matter), Love minus real responsibility, Love that lacks longevity. It’s Love as we, the youth, know it; it disgusts me, but no more so than depictions of Love in Regency romances, and besides, I’m sure that I too have indulged somewhere along the line.

Maybe, in fact, I luv Luc too, rather than truly love him. It’s only that so far no other man has managed to snare my attention - perhaps, if presented with a decent specimen, I’d abandon Operation No-Name and this luv of Luc for more immediate benefits. At the same time, I wonder if such a move wouldn’t simply reflect a desire to keep myself occupied while waiting for him. Sometimes it seems that this affection knows neither temporal nor earthly limits: it only exists, and has always existed, and, to romanticize, perhaps it will always exist no matter what men parade through my life. I mourned for Alec for this reason; often I thought that I was only biding my time until Luc would sweep me off my feet and we’d live happily ever after in a castle on a hill. Or a villa in the dunes, this being Holland.

What magnitude of stupidity evidences itself in the guise of woman? Gentle reader, you need look no further than Jade… Am I too guilty of the accusations I level against Luc and Mieke? And why do I know such compulsion to wait for Luc when another man might love me no less now, treasure me more than Luc has ever done, and keep me safe and sound?
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