Mar 28, 2006 21:33
If you score less than 17 on this, then you haven't had a normal childhood. Feel free to add more but change score less than by every point u think everyone should have done.
one [x] = one point
[x] climbed a tree
[ ] built a treehouse
[x] had some kind of stuffed animal when little and still have it in your house
[ ] had a sleepover at your house
[ ] chugged some kinda soda (not water) with friends
total: 2
[x] watched sesame street more than 10 times
[x] seen one of the following movies: Shrek, Disney Cinderella, Lion King, Sleeping Beauty, The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, 101 Dalmations
[x] read the book, Cat in the Hat by dr. seuss
[x] faked being sick
[ ] faked being sick and gotten away with it
total: 4
[ ] ordered pizza at your pool
[x] had a "hold ur breath underwater" contest
[x] played a full game of ping pong
[x] ridden a bike with a friend
[x] used the phrase lol in real life, not on the computer
total: 4
[x] watched the show Arthur on PBS
[ ] played pac man not online
[x] held a nintendo controller
[x] been skiing
[x] heard the song Stairway to Heaven
total: 4
[x] seen at least 10 minutes of American Idol
[ ] able to name 3 actors/actresses on OC
[x] watched Mary Poppins
[ ] had a shout out list on profile
[x] kicked or thrown a soccerball/football at your house by mistake
[x] played barbies
total: 4
Overall Total: 18