Mar 07, 2004 13:08
I say his every time I update, but it's been a while. I mean, WOW. Well in recent news, I still despise/hate/loathe Amy. Amy is actually getting right up there with Tim. Yeah, it's THat bad. For those of you who don't know, I'm sorry yet all at the same time happy you don't know who Amy is. Be grateful. If you want to know, be prepared for an hour long explanation. No shit either. So, anyways....
Last night was pretty cool. And fortune cookies are fucking mysterious. I was hanging out with an old friend, maybe you guys know/have heard of her. Her name is Mary-Beth. Anyways, her family took me to a chinese buffet. At the end the fortune cookies came. Mine said: "Spend more time with an old friend and have new adventures." Hers said: Focus more time into old friends." That's some crazy voodoo shit right there. The fortune cookie works in mysterious ways.
That's about all that there is of importance. This is Dan, signing off....
ONe more thing, I like that thing Doug and Steve do where they add one random phrase at the end, so I will too.
*My friend's mom licking my face. Yeah, I don't like that*