May 17, 2004 22:53
I like to keep my LJ entries short/sweet, so...(Keep it in mind it is Monday night, but I am going off of Tuesday)
1. Boot Camp = 14days. I might have to be delayed 3 days after I get there for an ingrown toenail. I'm trying to deal with it before I go, and it's looking like i will be able to, but if not, then I'm fucked. Other than that, I'm excited!
2. Graduation = 9 days. That is so unbelievably close. I mean 13 years, and here it is, FINALLY!
3. I'm going to miss everyone like crazy. Especially Jenny. Oh, God, especially Jenny. I wish I could take her with, but no. Besides, the only pussy I'm going to get is my gun. My days of finger banging Mary-Jane RottenCrotch through her pretty pink panties, ARE OVER! (If you don't know, that is from a movie: FULL METAL JACKET)
4. Tetris is fun to kick people's asses at! It's my newly found passion. How long will it last; who knows. But it's here for the time being.
5 If you want me to send you mail while @ boot camp then, let me know, and I will get your address before I go and take it with me. It might take a few days before I am able to send letter, but they will be sent. I'll included return address info, so you can write back. Any letters I receive will be greatly appreciated. Leave a comment if interested.
6. Bye