Jun 07, 2004 18:08
Here I going strong exactly one month after my grandma died. I haven't said anything to my mom about it but i know she is still greaving.. she is very moody most of the time.
funness:it will tell you your color. copy this into your journal and change it to your name and remove the *. <*font color="you name"> <*b>yourusername<*/b> <*/font*>
mine is semper_fidelis
I leave for camp in 6 days, you all better write me...(1154 West River RD. Oscoda Mi. 48750) oh and as of July 9th I will no longer be Sarah but rather Zazu! Well I technically am before but that is my graduation.
But I have to make it though 4 1/2 more finals. I am so sick of school and my motivation disappeared when I got my ACT results cuz I did so good...ahhh today I told Mr. Raupp that the white walls were getting to me and I think they truly are! Well I gots to study I suppose so I can sleep tonight and still do decent on my finals