ooc: fic/drabble claim

May 02, 2007 09:46

Following in the footsteps of dr_greghouse_md and papa_winchester...

Claim any of the following Johns and I will write you a ficlet based on that. I'd appreciate an additional prompt, a word or setting or whatever, and maybe a picture.

01. child!John House
02. loving!John House
03. sad!John House
04. playful!John House claimed by pancake_master
05. plane-flying!John House
06. abusive!John House claimed by earlwyn
07. football-playing!John House
08. teenage!John House
09. marine!John House
10. father!John House
11. caring!John House
12. laughing!John House
13. sick!John House
14. apologetic!John House
15. dancing!John House
16. doing-yardwork!John House claimed by _call_me_snake_
17. AU!John House (Grandpa John) claimed by dr_greghouse_md
18. guilty!John House claimed by mcgill_pride
19. swimming!John House
20. scared!John House claimed by angelfirenze
21. in-pain!John House claimed by joe_pike_junior
22. drunk!John House
23. angry!John House
24. uncle/great-uncle!John House
25. situation-of-your-choice!John House John with Stacy, pre-infarction claimed by wildefan

request a john, fanfic, meme

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