78. April Fools crack/You are turned into a child/RP?

Apr 01, 2007 05:20

muse_playground: #78. You are turned into a child for 24 hours. What do you do? What happens?

John blinked sleepily, and turned his head, burrowing back into the pillow. Then he wondered how he got there, when he didn’t remember going to sleep in his bed. It hadn’t even been night-time.

He had been out in the yard, playing army with his brothers, Chris and Ricky, and his friend Joe from school. Chris and Ricky had gotten to be the American army, and John and Joe, being younger and smaller, had been forced to be the Germans, so they knew they were going to get their butts kicked. But that was how the game went -- in a few years, John and Joe would be the big kids and they could make other kids be the Germans. But for now, he didn’t get a choice.

Ricky had been chasing after him, and John had ducked and hidden under the front porch. Somehow, Ricky had run past and missed him. He figured he’d come back and find him pretty soon, but a long time seemed to go by without anyone noticing where he was. He must have fallen asleep.

But he wasn’t under the porch anymore -- he was in bed. And it wasn’t his bed, and he wasn’t alone. Someone was snoring next to him. He sat up quickly and looked in shock at the person sharing his bed. It was a woman -- an old woman, older than Mom. And it wasn’t Grandma, or Oma. John rolled to the edge of the bed and leapt to the floor, alarmed. He immediately tripped over a large stick lying on the floor by the bed -- he has been carrying it around earlier, pretending it was a machine gun. He stood up slowly and stayed very still, afraid his sudden movement had woken the woman. He watched her warily, but she merely shifted her position slightly and then resumed snoring softly.

John picked up the stick and tip-toed slowly out of the room and down the hall. He didn’t recognize this house. Where was he? This must be some stupid prank of Ricky’s, he thought, but it was pretty extreme even for him. Where was Ricky anyway? And Joe, and Chris? Where was little Kevin, and Mom and Dad? He wanted to call out for them, but was afraid that someone else might be in the house, a stranger. Being alone and scared and confused was making him get angry, and he clenched his hands into tight fists, breathing deeply through his nose. He patted at his pockets and was relieved to feel the weight of his pocket-knife and his plastic compass that came in the cereal box -- not that they'd ever actually come in handy yet, but he knew they would someday. But first, he decided, he needed to get outside.

He found the front door and stepped outside, stepping onto the sidewalk and picking a direction at random to walk in. He needed to find somebody and get directions so he could get back home. He couldn’t be that far, could he? He looked up and down the street as he walked, trying not to stay calm and be brave and smart.

He cupped both hands around his mouth and shouted, "Joe! Ricky?!" He stopped and took a deep breath. "Christopher!" He turned around wearily and called, with only slightly less gusto, "Hello?" He shrugged and started walking again.

He wasn't sure how much time had passed, but it felt like he'd been walking forever by the time he ran into someone.

"Excuse me, sir!" he said.

Muse: John House
Fandom: House, M.D.
Words: 510
(Feel free to enter the scene...)

muse_playground, prompt response, rp

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