(OOC: Sorry for taking forever to do an intro post! Dx; Artblock for icons is still eating me alive, so Robert may not be as emotional as he should be for a bit. I'll clarify most of his emotions out of habit anyway, but... argh. Will try to do something about this soon.)
[A short distance outside of the main cluster of shops and buildings in
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[Cue Robert doing the whole "looking around in a panicked sort of way" thing again, until he once more discovers the thing responsible for broadcasting the voice. (He's going to have to get used to this one.)]
I am well-aware of the extent of my rational abilities, thank you very much. [His tone is a little sarcastic, but most of it is from irritation and fear. He doesn't mean to sound like a douche, really!] Now if you'll excuse me, I must ascertain my location. Or would you perhaps know anything about where I currently am? [He doesn't really want to ask this dolt for information - haughty intellectual that he is - but any port in a storm...]
"Luceti". Hmm... I can't recall that from any of the databases I've ever perused, but it's quite possible that I simply overlooked it...
[Robert falls silent at the next sentence. Did this person really just ask that question?]
... Was... was that a rhetorical question? Because, I assure you, cats do not generally talk. Well, unless the cat in question is a manufactured anthropoid, but that's something of an exception... [Robert trails off, realizing that this person probably has absolutely no idea what he means. It's downright irritating, but he can't do anything about other peoples' ignorance - yet, anyway.]
It was a regular-question question. When I got here, the first two people I met were cats. ...So I guess they weren't really people at all. But they did talk.
Wait... when you "got here"? Was your journey here deliberate, or was it accidental, or maliciously motivated such as mine might be? I can assure you that I was in no condition to be journeying anywhere, and seeing as I would have given consent for these wings to be grafted onto my person otherwise, it stands to reason that I must have been captured and brought here against my will. Why anybody would do anything so barbaric remains to be seen... Though I must confess, the tissue grafting is fascinatingly well-done. I would much like to witness the technique involved. [Robert's going off on a tangent again, without realizing it. He does this a lot.]
I was just suddenly here. I mean, not here, 'cause I'm inside now, and when I got here I was in the woods, but you know what I mean. I woke up and I was wearing pants that aren't mine and it was cold. These guys called the Malnosso are the ones behind it all. They're kinda jerk buckets, from what I've heard.
["Malnosso" is another word that Robert keeps hearing a lot of today. He files it away mentally, trying to remember it.] These Malnosso are indeed "jerk buckets", as you say, if they cannot respect the bodily integrity rights of their subjects. Why, that violates several Terran penal codes - more than I would care to mention at the moment. And no formal consent inquiry whatsoever!
[Robert seems to calm himself a little, not that he was particularly upset to begin with - he's too curious to be that upset (until people start telling him about the magic in Luceti...).]But I digress. If this has indeed happened to you - and presumably to others besides you - then this must be motivated by something. And understanding that motivation would perhaps be a way of comprehending this situation. However, at this moment, it would be more prudent for me to get ( ... )
[Aaaaand...yeah, just gonna pretend he knows what you're blathering on about. Nodding with an appropriately thoughtful "listening" expression, accompanied by imaginary beard-stroking.]
There's this place called the Welcome Center. They help out new dudes like us, so you should probably go there.
The "Welcome Centre"? Would you by any chance happen to know where its location is? I am currently near what I presume is the central location of this city - there are several angular-looking buildings that I can see through the trees in the area.
The Welcome Center is near all the shops and stuff.
[Robert pulls himself to his feet.] At any rate, thank you for your assistance.
[Written, all of a sudden!]
[Have a very crudely-drawn attempt at a map. It basically shows a bunch of boxes, which supposedly represent buildings, and one of them has an arrow pointing to it, labeled "go here." That particular box is also filled with smiley faces.]
[Voice, again]
There you go! No need to thank me. [/hammy mock-modesty.] The name's Kevin, by the way!
This shall... be an assistance. [He really doesn't know how else to put it.
Oh, and Robert's just full of courtesy failures today. He coughs a bit.] Forgive me my lack of manners. I am Professor Robert Alexander Hastings, certified astrobiologist of the Randi Institute of Terra... Not like that seems to be known here. [Robert lets out a very slight sigh. It's strange having such a prestigious profession (for him) that nobody recognizes.]
And the jobs of all intellectuals form the core of all reason and information in Terra. So yes, my vocation is indeed important. It remains to be seen as to whether there are other scientists here who are in command of all their rational faculties... As little as I would want to acknowledge the presence of illogical scientists, these Malnosso are proving themselves to be lacking in that regard.
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