Dear Life

Feb 06, 2009 15:48

Dearest Life,

You have always been there for me. Everything works out in the long run. I either get what I think I need, or what I get turns out to be what I need, but I didn't see that at the time. My whole life has worked this way. I figure you do this to me so that I won't accidentally destroy some part of the Universe; to keep me a happy little human whose efforts remain on the non-cosmological scale. Well enough, and my material ambitions are moderate: roof over my head, a bed under my small frame, food, and people to give me hugs.

That said, anytime you might grace me with a part-time job, I would be happy. Twentyish hours a week? Something not minimum wage. No hurry. If I remain jobless another week or two, it's no catastrophe. I feel like I'm asking for something which you already have in the works for me, so I don't wish to be redundant, but it would give me some peace of mind.

Much Love,
Ciel Augustus
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