More love for Nathan Rabin

Oct 16, 2007 10:46

A while back, I posted segments from Nathan Rabin's My Year of Flops blog, when he took on Battlefield Earth.

Well, guess what.

He's recently added Batman & Robin (a.k.a., Batman on Ice) to his dossier. So, yeah. Here's the crediting, and on to the highlights.

"Wrestler turned second-tier Batman heavy “Bane” Jeep Swenson died the same year Batman & Robin came out, presumably out of embarrassment."

"Things don’t improve with a series of an utterly gratuitous close-up of Clooney’s ass and crotch, a reveal of a new, improved Batmobile that now apparently has a disco ball under the hood"

"I’ve long considered puns the lowest form of humor. But Batman & Robin made me wonder if puns double as the lowest form of human communication, lower even than limericks, angrily hurled clumps of feces and commenting on internet message boards"

"Poison Ivy should be as alluring as she is dangerous. Instead she comes off like a drag queen doing a bad Mae West impersonation on Open Mic Night."

"The big action set-pieces feel like they were borrowed from a Batman-themed stunt show at a second-rate amusement park while the garish color scheme suggests the aftermath of an explosion at a paint factory."

...and his closing salvo, which basically blows a hole in the hull of the film...

"Not only is Batman & Robin targeted blatantly at children, but it actually seems pitched at the pre-verbal. Look at all the bright colors! Look at the silly men in their silly costumes! Marvel as shiny stuff flies across the screen and blows up real good! Give yourself over to the mindless, brain-clouding sugar rush of empty spectacle!"

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