Amputation Prevention Contract - Neuropathy

Feb 25, 2011 12:00

Originally published at RKdia Comics. You can comment here or there.

The image for Neuropathy is again derived from the idea that this project’s over-arcing theme is about making the right choices. The devil angel idea came to us in a pow-wow session over dinner at Salt Hill Pub in Lebanon, NH. Sharon liked the idea so much we cut an earlier idea completely to use this one. Neuropathy itself is a loss of feeling in your foot, again preventable by controlling your blood sugar and getting proper exercise.

The third major cause of amputation is the loss
of feeling in the foot. This is called neuropathy.
Neuropathy can develop if your blood sugar levels stay too high over a long period of time. It feels like a constant numbness or tingling in the feet, or even hands.
You may not be able to tell if you have cut or injured your foot, and may develop an infection before you are even aware you are injured. If the infection is not treated in time, it may soften the bone. This leads to many diabetic amputations!
Controlling your blood sugar through proper diet, daily exercise and taking your medications as ordered can prevent neuropathy.

  • Clinician
    Order Diabetes Education Consult __________

    Order Podiatry Consult ___________________

    Order Nutritional Consult ________________

    Order Behavioral Medicine Consult _________
  • Patient
    HgbAlc < 7.0 _________

    BMI < 30.0 _________

    Exercise program for 30 min daily _________

    One nutritional change of ________________




The Amputation Prevention Contract is © 2011
Dr. Joseph Duggan and Sharon Besso, MS, ARNP
Department of Veterans Affairs
White River Junction, Vermont
All rights reserved.

Original illustration and design by and ©2011 Randall Drew
All rights reserved.

comics, veterans affairs, amputation, neuropathy, photoshop, diabetic, joseph duggan, sharon besso, veteran's hospital, illustration, prevention, diabetes, color

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