Feb 21, 2010 19:03
omg I love Roxas's Pings List SO I AM DOING ONE TOO. Here is what pings me in a character (MOST OF THESE SHOULD BE PRETTY OBVIOUS CONSIDERING MY LINEUP LOL)
* extreme pride combined with low self-esteem
* compensating for low self-esteem by being brash/controlling/violent/confrontational/self-righteous
* having a high standard that they themselves don't live up to
* outgoing/annoying/bossy/overly friendly and familiar
* immaturity
* characters who are functional despite all this; they can handle themselves without being constantly miserable.
* a twisted sense of right and wrong, but one which is twisted for a reason, like upbringing/their nature
* emotional open books, who cry and rage very easily and are bad at lying or faking
* NOT characters who put on a smiley or calm facade to mask their true intentions
* holy
* unholy
* "fake" humans (homunculi, robots, Nobodies, etc.)
* ON THE OTHER SIDE--characters who are genuinely Okay with themselves or become so over the course of the series (Rise, Shirley, Asuna, etc.); people who know themselves very well and are confident in that
* people who DON'T know themselves at ALL and have inflated/deluded self-conceptions of what they are
* villains who have some aspect that cannot be redeemed because it's built in to what they are (Envy, Devit, Hyuuga, etc.)
* PEOPLE WHO FAIL, who do not ever get the upper hand because they're constantly outclassed
* people who lack willpower/strength/the ability to overcome their situation
* people who are very focused on one other person in the series; codependence
* BADASS WOMEN who also show stereotypically "feminine" traits
* . . . harem series females, especially those who don't fit into the "harem" in a normal way or at all
* sexism/misogyny
* socially awkward
* people who need other people to be happy/seek approval constantly, whether or not they're aware of that
* incest or not!incest (adopted siblings, suspicious closeness, lolol Karin)