Feb 10, 2010 20:59


By which I don't mean a cool playlist, but rather image songs and/or stuff by the seiyuu.

Devit doesn't get any image songs, boo. Although you can see Jasdevi's Song here! So have one of Robert's image songs instead since they're both Saiga Mitsuki and frankly I LOVE that song. Also here's Some Like it Cool, also by Saiga Mitsuki, and really sort of stupidly catchy and hilarious and I can't get enough of it. I like to imagine Devit singing that one and laugh. GUYS I REALLY NEED MORE SAIGA MUSIC. I NEED TO GO ON A HUNT.

Rise also doesn't get image songs. I CALL SHENANIGANS. SHE'S AN IDOL! However her seiyuu, Kugimiya Rie, has done plenty of stuff so. For one thing she plays Alphonse! SO HERE IS AN ADORABLE AL IMAGE SONG in which Rise's seiyuu sings as a little shouta! And then here's one of Mizore's image songs which sounds hilariously different but is also Kugimiya Rie. Mizore is from Rosario ftr and someone should app her. :D Anyway idk which of these Rise sounds more like. I was shocked that Chie was Horie Yui instead of Rise. Horie would have been a perfect Rise. :( Tho I bet she was a perfect Chie too.

Tomo ACTUALLY GETS REAL IMAGE SONGS, YAY! And here they are: Poi Poi Peace and Sora wa Tobikiri Paradise. The first is basically exactly what you'd expect a Tomo image song to be, the second is a lot more mellow and sweet which is a little weird. BUT THERE'S MORE! See, Tomo is voiced by Higuchi Chieko, who is also one of the lead singers of the group Whoops! along with Sakamoto Maaya. And the thing about Higuchi Chieko is that she . . . always sounds the same. Her regular singing voice is Tomo's voice. I actually bought the Whoops! CD because it's so funny, and someday I plan on ripping and sharing the entire album, but for now two songs: Love Love Phantasy and Whoopsie Coaster. I dare you to not get Love Love Phantasy stuck in your head. Protip: you will. (By the way, once upon a time, cal translated Tomo's first image song for me. It's here, and it's basically the best image song in existence.)

Cocoa also gets image songs! Two of them! Positive Rock 'n' Roll and Shiroi Honoo. The latter is a much better song. Maybe that's just because I have a weakness for overly dramatic image songs. (Also it cracks me up how much older she sounds in it.)

As a HORRIBLE BONUS. Cocoa is voiced by Saito Chiwa, who was also in the second Negima anime as a mascot character (she plays Burupya too ha ha). And for that series she did . . . this song along with Sawashiro Miyuki. I am not responsible for what happens to you if you download and listen to this. JUST ASK SHURI HOW IT WILL CHANGE YOU. ;A;

As a bonus bonus totally unrelated to my characters, Ruby has the best image songs in Rosario. Here they are. Just because I really like them both and felt like sharing. NOW I AM DONE.

ETA you guys Saiga did a song called "Heart-Shaped Killing Emotion." This pleases me so much.



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