IC: Devit is Devit. Okay, normally that's code for "I'm not really doing anything with this character right now, NEXT." IN THIS CASE THAT'S ACTUALLY NOT HOW I MEAN IT, ha ha. I mean he has Devit Problems. He went home and saw Jasdero and like, it's weird, because that both helped him and hurt him. It helped him because it had been SO LONG since he'd felt whole and he has that feeling back and it was like a nice bolster to his general sanity, a way to tide him over. On the other hand, now that feeling is gone again, and that hurts. It also DOESN'T HURT AS MUCH AS LAST TIME, because Devit is more used to it now; before he'd only been without Jasdero for three weeks, now it's been more than half a year. He's learned to live with the pain. And that feeling in and of itself is a shitty feeling. So coming back to camp--he was happy he'd seen Jasdero, been home (it also kind of solidified his desire to not actually live there anymore), had the chance to use his powers (which is important to his mental well-being). But he was also upset that he'd been torn away from Jasdero again and upset that he was more okay with that than he expected. Or more used to it, anyway.
Meanwhile, though, he's pretty much doing okay. The positives and the negatives balance out and he misses Jasdero (and his powers) like hell, but in the meantime he's dealing, and he's softened a bit. As time's gone on he's become more open to getting close-ish to people. I say ish because there is always a distance there, there's always something he can't surmount. But that thing is no longer fear, at least not entirely (though he is still afraid of losing people, but now it's kind of happened and it messed with him in unexpected ways AND I SHOULD JUST ESSAY ON THAT OR SOMETHING). It's more like just his general Devitness. He's become close to Shuri and he's now fairly open about it and okay with it, but his idea of "closeness" involves verbal abuse and physical torture and not really understanding human feelings or caring to. He's moved on from "I REFUSE TO GET CLOSE TO ANYONE IN A MEANINGFUL WAY BECAUSE THEY'RE HUMAN AND I HATE THEM AND THEY'LL HURT ME" to "It's hard to get close to anyone in a meaningful way because I'm kind of a sociopath and I don't get how." \o/ It is fun.
Honestly what Devit wants most in camp right now is a knock-down drag-out fight to a standstill. He's been picking them deliberately lately (HI DAMIAN) and it always improves his mood, but he keeps getting cockblocked. He doesn't want to kill anyone, and he doesn't want to fight with powers; he just wants to GO AT IT for an extended period of time as hard as he can with someone who is at an equal power level and understands and doesn't mind getting hurt or hurting him, until neither of them can go on. This sounds porny. Fistfights are kind of like Devit's version of getting laid anyway, hurr.
OOC: I'M VERY ZEN WITH DEVIT. I've said this before and it still stands. He's been in camp for almost two years now and I'm at a good point with him, a happy point, where I don't feel I've played him out but I also don't feel I can go back on my decisions, nor would I want to. Honestly if I got crit tomorrow that was like "I FEEL LIKE DEVIT BEING IN A RELATIONSHIP IS OOC" (and I know people out there think so, and I respect that opinion, and I feel that in canon it's absolutely correct) I would just . . . idek. Not care? I mean, I would CARE, I would listen and talk, but I wouldn't go back on everything that's happened. I have my reasons for everything I've done with him and I can trace them all back to my own interpretation as backed by canon, and that is what I care about, even though I'm well aware that if someone who didn't know any of his background in camp happened upon one of his threads they'd be like "lol wut." But it's been two years. I am having fun with what I've done with him, and THIS IS WHAT I'VE DONE, and in this game it's what I want to play out.
So basically, Devit will get dropped when I can no longer do that--when I'm no longer having fun or able to follow this path. He would get dropped if Hakuren dropped, or if other serious things happened to him in camp that reversed his development. Devit is emotionally volatile and he's inhuman, and it would be possible to knock him back to a canon-esque point if he got really fucked over in camp. I DON'T WANT TO PLAY THAT OUT, honestly, because first off I've already done it when I first got in, and secondly I don't think he'd be able to move past it a second time (it was hard enough the first time) and he'd become impossible to get CR with. So yeah. If something major happened to fuck over his development/make him permanently unhappy, I would drop him, because while some characters can bounce back from that and have fun working through it, Devit is too dangerous and insane to be one of them.
I'm zen with that too because while Devit is my OTL and primary and I honestly can't imagine not playing him, I WOULD PROBABLY JUST APP HIM SOMEWHERE ELSE, HURR HURR.
Plans: Do the essay I mentioned above, ha ha. Uh, possibly a post where he discovers that Wiki. More posting! I WANT TO POST ABOUT SOME OTHER STUFF ABOUT HIM not Noah-related or CR-related. Possibly work out that fight. ALSO I MIGHT BE GETTING A JASDERO WHICH WOULD BE FUCKWIN :B
Drop Possibility: flexible; 0/10 for now, but like I said, that could change, and someday I'm sure I will burn out on him and so on. HE'S ACTUALLY DOING BETTER THAN TOMO DID WHEN SHE WAS COMING UP ON HER SECOND YEAR; he's going to outlast her. \o/
IC: UH. Rise is okay, but not as okay as she seems. She was shaken by the whole thing with Souji and Yousuke in ways that she doesn't fully realize; a lot of that came out when her Shadow was out during the Cult post. She thinks she's okay with things! But she's not. Her fear is that Souji--well, Yousuke gave her advice on their relationship, and Rise appreciated that and loves him for it, but she's bothered by all of it, she feels like there's a possibility that Souji JUST WANTS YOUSUKE MORE. Yousuke told her that Souji needed someone who would support him and be there for him and not just rely on him, and Rise wants to be that person, but she'd felt like she was already being that person. She's always thought of herself as supportive and someone who was there for him! And she's not sure how to do that MORE, and she feels really weird about asking, because if Yousuke needs to tell her what to do, shouldn't Souji just be with Yousuke instead? And has Souji just moved on from her? If he needs a girlfriend who supports him why doesn't he come to her for support, doesn't he see her there and willing? Is it that he wants Yousuke more so he goes to Yousuke which makes him want Yousuke more so he goes to Yousuke . . . and so on. XD THESE ARE HER FEELINGS, and this was what her Shadow broke down on Naoto about in that post; Rise feels ignored, and not consciously or maliciously ignored, but ignored in that sort of vicious cycle way where Souji automatically goes to Yousuke for support and so he believes that only Yousuke can support him and then vice versa. THIS SUBCONSCIOUSLY KIND OF PISSES HER OFF. She's not really mad at Yousuke or even at Souji or even really at herself, just, the situation, and rar. She doesn't realize it, but it's always there bothering her, and she has no idea how to address it.
But otherwise she's doing well. That bothers her a lot, but she's still overall happy. She is having fun with people! She loev Naoto and Kanji and she loev Raidou and SHE NEEDS TO MEET MORE PEOPLE BUT THAT'S FOR THE OOC SECTION. With Naoto and Kanji, she's attracted to them both, but it doesn't really bother her. She doesn't angst or worry over it like they do; she acknowledges that it's there and she has no idea where it's going to end up but she feels like all she can do is make sure no one gets hurt, and she doesn't feel like she needs to angst or make herself miserable to achieve that; she just needs to be careful if things get to that point, which she doesn't feel they are yet. Right now it's just harmless flirting as the friendships become deeper, and Kanji has a boyfriend anyway, SO THERE'S THAT.
OOC: AHHH I love her, okay, and typing that out helped me. Mostly I need to play her more with non-cast. I feel bad about being one of those OMG INSULAR PERSONA-ONLY MUNS THEY'RE SO WANKY when that's really not how it is; it's not that I have no interest in other CR. On the contrary! ;o; Really I'm stuck in the Haru-Cycle with her. The Haru-Cycle was--when I played Haru, her cast was huge and active, and I would have to react to cast stuff with her, and then it'd be like "Well I played Haru for 200 comments this week, time to focus on someone else!" And then I'd realize that all of those comments were with the same few castmates, which wasn't what I wanted. I HAVE THAT WITH RISE TOO. Her cast is not as big or as active, not at all, but it's still like . . . that's where her CR is, and they're active ENOUGH, and stuff will happen and I'll play her and have a blast and then I'll be like "Well I played Rise, let's go play Cocoa" but it was all with Kanji and Naoto. So she doesn't meet new people. AND I NEED TO FIX THAT bawwww. It's on me to fix that, and I've been sucking with it.
I need to replay her canon too, man. It's been too long. ALSO I NEED TO WORK THINGS OUT WITH SOUJI AND STUFF because I love this whole thing but I also feel like right now she's stuck on it, and honestly I have no preference how it works out between Souji/Yousuke/Rise, but I do think it needs to be dealt with IC at some point and I suckkkkk at finding them out sob. XD I'M A BAD STALKER.
Plans: THAT, and replay her canon, and poke people about Shadow stuff because I ended up having to leave those threads for a few days and stuff got dropped that I didn't mean to drop. Post more! Jump more people, FIX HER HARU-CYCLE PROBLEMMMM. Maybe redo her icons. \o/
Drop Possibility: Uhhhh. 4/10? idk! I DON'T WANT TO, and I don't plan on it, but she'd go if castmates went, and if I had to trim down, she might go. But anytime soon, nah.
OOC: SHE'S TOMO. I am fine with her. She's like a limb or something now. With Tomo--I did all her development the first time she was in camp. Epic stuff. This time, she's here for the hell of it and to troll people and so I can be dumb. SHE IS HERE FOR FUN AND STUPID and I have no plans to really DO anything with her. I'm not saying I'm avoiding it; I am always up for CR, development, plot, whatever. I love it! But I am not seeking it out, not with her. She doesn't need it. She's gone from HEAVY PRIMARY to cracky backburner and that is probably where she's going to stay, barring unforeseen circumstances.
Drop Possibility: 5/10, she'd go if I had to lighten my load. But . . . I only have four characters. The chances of me having to do that any time soon are nil. XD Maybe if like, I app two more, and then want a seventh, and I'm having a busy semester, THEN she would be the first to be dropped. There really is no other reason other than if I stop having fun with her.
IC: COCOA IS . . . she's fine! She misses home because home is normalcy, really, and because Mocha is there. Those are the only real reasons. She's used to life at home and camp is weird and she's new enough that that's still offputting, and she misses Onee-sama, and she's VERY WORRIED about leaving Tsukune and Mocha together, lulz. But beyond that--Cocoa likes camp. She likes the atmosphere of no one caring if you hide what you are. Cocoa doesn't like having to hide that she's a vampire back home! She is VERY VERY PROUD of being a vampire; it's a huge part of her identity, her ~species pride~. Back in her world she's not allowed to tell anyone she's a vampire or explicitly use those powers! And that annoys her, especially because the purpose of it is to integrate into the human world, which she's not keen on doing.
(I am still kind of unclear as to what happens to monsters who don't attend Youkai Academy. I assume they remain in the monster world and don't seek schooling/employment/whatever outside. I also assume that this was proooobably what Cocoa would have ended up doing herself if Mocha hadn't been attending Youkai Academy.)
HERE IN CAMP NO ONE CARES! She could make a post tomorrow that was like I AM A VAMPIRE! and she wouldn't get in trouble, and she loves that. Out of habit, she tends to not do stuff like that, just because--habit. In home she'd get in trouble, especially if she did that around humans. So she has some residual guilt about coming out with it. But yeah, no one cares, and she loves that she can flaunt it at people sometimes. She loves that people volunteer to be bitten and that there are other vampires and interesting things here. CAMP IS A VERY FREE PLACE! A little boring, but eh! She goes off and fights things a lot in the Caves, I assume, lazes around her cabin, etc. Stalks Kurumu and Chris a little because she wants Kurumu to steal Tsukune away from Mocha and dammit don't fall for Chris that'll ruin my plan! But otherwise . . . she's lazy and keeps to herself and--
OOC: --I SHOULD AND WILL FIX THAT! I love Cocoa, I really do. XD I missed having a character like her. I don't spam with her, but I want to try more, because I've mostly eased into her I think and now I want to start building more CR and stuff, and doing more with her. I'M REALLY GLAD SHE STUCK; I wasn't sure for a time, but I love her and her stupid and her canon and her icons and all of it. So she's safe and now I just need to get on building her network and doing more with her, because I am eager to do that, and I have nights where I go MAN I REALLY FEEL LIKE PLAYING HER and that's a good feeling. I need to do that so I can express all sides of her, because she is awesome and hilarious and just a great character.
Plans: Nothing specific that I can think of, but post with Kurumu sometime, maybe this week? MORE POSTING AND THREADING and yeah. Just get her out more. Also I signed her up for the blind date stuff. :B BUG THE PEOPLE SHE IS GETTING TO KNOW, LIKE KAGURA AND HITAGI AND CHRIS AND EVERYONE ELSE.
Drop Possibility: 0/10, she is safeeeeee. I won't say cold dead hands but. NO DANGER AT ALL, AT PRESENT.
OKAY SO I NEED TO GET MY ACTIVITY BACK UP AHHH. I have only four characters and that's INSANELY FEW for me and I am comfy with ALL OF THEM and have no stress. And yet my activity is still low! And I've figured out why and it has to do with--my opportunities to play. Basically, lately, for months now, here is what happens to me.
Scenario 1: I go "MAN I WANT TO PLAY COCOA" (or whomever) and then I check the comm and there are no posts I want to play in/no active posts at all. So I go do something else.
Scenario 2: I go "MAN I WANT TO PLAY COCOA" and then I check the comm and the post I want to play in is four hours old and the player is winding down/has a ton of threads to deal with and I go do something else instead of tagging them because WHY WOULD THEY WANT ME TO!
Scenario 3: I go "MAN I'M BUSY AS FUCK, I DON'T HAVE TIME TO PLAY" and then I check the comm 36 hours later and there's a post I would have wanted to jump, but it's dead and buried and I feel weird bugging the mun about whether they want a thread with me, especially if it's no one I know.
Scenario 4: I see a post and go MAN WHAT A COOL POST and reply to it with Devit and then go " . . . I could have used Rise instead, huh" but the post is getting a ton of comments and I don't want to add ALL FOUR OF MY CHARACTERS TO THE PERSON'S LOAD, so only Devit gets activity.
So anyway that's basically my problem, sob. tl;dr I haven't been playing as much lately because occasionally I am too busy, but when I'm not, there's no place I feel comfortable playing. I KNOW THE SOLUTION TO THIS! IT'S FOR ME TO POST MYSELF. That's what I need to get back to doing. It's been ages because my post stamina has gotten lulzy and I feel bad about that. Sometimes I get postraped and it's like, I WANT TO PLAY WITH YOU ALL, I LOVE YOU, but the return on a post like that is minimal; I can play a character for six hours straight and still only get five comments into a thread with each person in the post, which isn't enough for anything to happen. And then I'm so worn out that I don't feel like picking up until three days later, when people are like "why the fuck are you picking up." XD At the same time I don't want to discourage anyone from EVER commenting to one of my posts. I REALLY DON'T, because random comments from new people are how we make new relationships! SO ALWAYS COMMENT TO ME. I just need to like--work on my stamina and on co-posting, and on timing of posts, so that I don't get overwhelmed. Because I do think that posting with my characters is the best way for me to fix all my issues with them. \o/