Jun 04, 2008 22:50
excerpts from epic conversations with b & k
k: ugh i am going to be in so much debt by the end of school
b: debt...builds character!
k: then i sure am going to have a lot of character!
so as i was sitting down to bury myself into accounting homework, the doorbell rang. the thing about seeing someone that you haven't seen in awhile is that it can go really, really well...or it can be really, really awkward. this was one of those times that can be classified as the former. it was a good three hours of my life that i'd like to bottle up and keep on my shelf to come back to later because everything was just so overall lovely. i was rambling on like such an idiot at times, but i suppose that is good as long as the other doesn't mind. i think we covered just about everything in our talk, we passed by our old elementary school and reminisced about the so-called good old days. it feels silly to be able to call things the good old days, it feels silly to think that here we are in different places and technically grown up. it's good to talk to someone who gets it, someone who can completely understand and offer that empathy. and while it's not a good thing exactly that they understand, it's an understood mutual support, or something like that.
we started off in my living room before wandering over to j's to surprise her. on the way back home, we found ourselves on the street corner that we would stand at for hours on the way home from elementary school, just talking away until i would see my dad pass by on his way home from work. we sat in the park until way past dark, halfway between our houses, where we always used to meet, watching bats fly about overhead and talking - and i would say "like nothing had changed" but the thing is, that would be incorrect since yes things have changed, but we recognize that. but only in the best of ways, really. we recognize it in the way that it gives us even more to talk about, fuck the pretending that nothing has happened in these past few months.