Title: All Over Again Author: semisweetsoul Pairing: Saul/Henry Rating: PG-13 Prompt: juxtapose @tamingthemuse Word Count: 698 Disclaimer: Not mine, okay!
This was fantastic! I find this couple of characters to be fascinating. (I've almost come around to the idea of them being ignored on the actual show, because the fans treat them with much better care than the show does!)
I didn't like the way they treated Saul's coming out. I believe that Baitz would have done it better, but then again it was so disappointing, anything would have been better! I like the idea that he can start a romantic life at 65.
I loved the story in season 2 as he slowly came out to Nora, Kevin, the family, etc. Which made it so much worse in season 3 when all that wonderful build-up was ignored. I am very disappointed that we didn't get to actually see Ron Rifkin continue the path Saul was on, because he could have done some amazing, possibly award-winning stuff. I don't necessarily love everything Baitz did, but he at least understood the importance and necessity of interesting older adult characters and the search for identity at all stages of life.
I'd say that it was better done in season 2 than 3. I just didn't like the comical way it happened with Sarah, Tommy, Kitty and Justin. I wished we had seen them react, more than just Tommy saying "You're gay?", and Justin "this is the gayest week of my life". They've known their uncle straight for all their lives, you'd think they'd show some shock at least, we know they don't care since they're all gay-friendly but still, something was missing. Then, the same people don't blink an eye when one of them dates a girl formerly believed as a sister
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As much as I love Prior Commitments, there are some serious missteps in that one. I actually hate the fact that Kitty is the one who officiated the ceremony, considering the disagreement she and Kevin had over gay marriage. Another reason is because the Saul reveal (and later the Rebecca/Justin reveal) was just swept under the rug by the family. You're right. There should have been more reaction, and it was like the crew just didn't want to deal with the complicated nature of those things and wanted to keep them "comic relief" instead.
he was hiding it to himself. I agree with that. People who stay in the closet until they're 60+ are lying to themselves as much/more as they're lying to anyone else, and again, the show didn't delve into the complexities of that.
he was the creator of the show. He knows bestOh, I have to disagree with that. Not specifically with Baitz, but with the idea in general. Just because you create something initially doesn't mean you always are right or make the best decisions creatively. But I do
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Don't be sorry about complaining, I'm French! That's what we're known for! When I say Baitz knows better, I don't mean his word is gospel, I just believe that when you create characters, you build them entirely from what they did young to now, to what you see them do in the future. Therefore, he wouldn't have De-Walkered Rebecca, he wouldn't have make Kevin work for Robert, or invent Ryan.
Maybe I feel this way because I have personal characters as well. I've always thought strange that TV writers are interchangeable, but novelists aren't. Can you imagine someone else write Harry Potter than its creator?
It can possibly be a European stance, but we do have a different perception of creativity.
Well, now you got me interested in this topic, so I'm just going to think out loud for a while. Feel free to ignore and/or tell me to shut up!
We may very well have different views of creativity, and perhaps that's a cultural thing. It's kind of interesting, I think.
I just believe that when you create characters, you build them entirely from what they did young to now, to what you see them do in the future. I don't think this is necessarily true at all. When I create original characters in fanfic, or all the characters in original fiction, I do indeed brainstorm a number of characteristics and personality points, and I sketch out basic plots for them to follow. I certainly don't build their entire life histories. Similarly, I would never lock myself into anything or not allow those characteristics to change as the story is actually written. Many times I feel, and I've heard other writers say, things take on a life of their own. They're no longer "yours," even if you are the creator
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We'll see what happens next season.
Thanks for your thoughts. :)
he was hiding it to himself.
I agree with that. People who stay in the closet until they're 60+ are lying to themselves as much/more as they're lying to anyone else, and again, the show didn't delve into the complexities of that.
he was the creator of the show. He knows bestOh, I have to disagree with that. Not specifically with Baitz, but with the idea in general. Just because you create something initially doesn't mean you always are right or make the best decisions creatively. But I do ( ... )
Maybe I feel this way because I have personal characters as well. I've always thought strange that TV writers are interchangeable, but novelists aren't. Can you imagine someone else write Harry Potter than its creator?
It can possibly be a European stance, but we do have a different perception of creativity.
We may very well have different views of creativity, and perhaps that's a cultural thing. It's kind of interesting, I think.
I just believe that when you create characters, you build them entirely from what they did young to now, to what you see them do in the future. I don't think this is necessarily true at all. When I create original characters in fanfic, or all the characters in original fiction, I do indeed brainstorm a number of characteristics and personality points, and I sketch out basic plots for them to follow. I certainly don't build their entire life histories. Similarly, I would never lock myself into anything or not allow those characteristics to change as the story is actually written. Many times I feel, and I've heard other writers say, things take on a life of their own. They're no longer "yours," even if you are the creator ( ... )
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