Title: The Target
kanarek13 Her master post.
Fandom: White Collar
Characters: Neal, Peter, Diana and Jones
Genre: Case fic, Hurt/Comfort
Rating: G
Word Count: 6,070 words
Summary: A sniper on the loose in the streets of New York targets a member of the team. Will the others stop his killing spree and save more from getting hurt?
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Poor, poor Neal, I can't even imagine the level of stress and anxiety this has caused him. Seeing Peter get shot right in front of him, not knowing if Peter was even gonna make it, Neal's guilt and fear fueling his desire to solve the case... and then the shock at discovering the killer's identity... OMG!!!
But in all this angst it was a delight to see Diana and Jones being there for Neal in a small but significant way, helping him take down the killer \o/ Awww, the scene in the conference room with sleeping Neal has to be cutest image ever ♥
And how I love it that Peter knows Neal so well, no matter how hard Neal would try to hide it, Peter would always know that Neal was blaming himself for what happened. And would always, in any circumstances, tell him to stop it :D
Love, love, love \o/ ♥ Thank you again for claiming my prompt *bounces* And I'm even more excited that there's a potential second story to come out of this :D Heeee, I'm definitely gonna be keeping my finger's crossed that it gets written :D
I'm so glad you like it! I'm never sure of anything. Your excitement is communicative. ;) It feels like a weigh is lifted of my shoulders.
Whether they like it or not Peter and Neal know each other by heart. I imagine after the night staking out the killer and finally catching him that tiredness must show on Neal's face. Peter isn't fooled.
And I'm even more excited that there's a potential second story to come out of this
Actually, this wasn't my first idea. I claimed two pieces of artwork, and the other story was getting bigger and bigger and I realized I would never have enough time to write both the way I wanted. I stared at the Target Picture and a flash of inspiration gave me this idea. If you're interested I could try and write the original version, but I feel it's gonna take some time!
If I do, would you create artwork for it? If you have time and if you're interested. No pressure. You don't owe me anything. :)
Yay \o/ :D
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