Art museums are pathetic. Just look at this. Some guys just walk in, point a gun at some random people (probably janitors), and rip a priceless painting from the wall. That easy. I have no idea what theyre going to do with the painting now though. Unless theyre "classy" thieves, theyre probably going to try to trade it for drugs. Or maybe put it up for ransom. On the other hand, "classy" thieves would hang it up in their own house and call over all of British high society, just to hear them talk about the "splendidness" of the painting in a british accent. Thats what I would do. Just because people with British sccents sound funny. The British are also pretty clueless, so they probably wouldnt even figure out that it was the stolen painting. When they do, all they could do is call the constable on me. I dont think constables even carry guns... Lets just say Im proud to be an American.