1. Take the lyrics to a favourite song.
2. Go to Google Language Tools: translate the lyrics into German, then from German to French, and finally from French back into English.
http://www.google.com/language_tools3. Post the results verbatim.
4. Invite friends to guess the song based on the interesting new lyrics.
I did two... the first should be easy. The second seems very hard, as I am not sure I even recognize it.
I cannot imagine all persons, who know you, and which places that you when go, which are back-pushed lights the soil, and I all things do not seize, which saw you, but I slip between you, and your large dreams are always it you in my large dreams, and you me of that its surplus wake themselves in a shown piece of four to settle sheet clover and you do not become so-called, to have vibrated, and in naked you have received to come out can yourselves hold, in order to see that I could not leave vibration you me let? I thus thought, and it want not in the future you here so said that presants just the interruption jokes the past, and you want dontt to look at many closer, because you afriad are, in order all this hope for uncovering the fact that you in the sky had sent you up to the today's day broken, and he made considering I, and then you for me to the house brings frightened to uncover that you are only, and I in your living piece sleep, but we do not have to live much piece
The light, which shines from you, breaks the morning-grey hardly wakes, reimen itself and I upward in you confused ouais that I am open, it closed, where I am, it go themselves I worry see not that still for the same best case for same the wrong words your face seem to downward sometimes ignite itself, outside of the doubt, that mean spirit fills I it finds of way or of other one, and I push