30-day song challenge - day 12 - a song from your preteen years

Jan 13, 2022 15:20

As previously discussed, I was a musically deprived child. I think I heard this song in elementary school, as part of some lesson. I don't remember the class or context. I wasn't aware that this was a parody. I wasn't even acquainted with Star Wars at the time.

Yet this is my pick for day 12.

Weird Al - The Saga Begins

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Latter-day Star Wars has been disappointing, but latter-day Weird Al continues to be a consistent source of joy. My three other favourite Weird Al songs are probably White and Nerdy (I am nerdy, though not white), Hardware Store (I have always loved hardware stores), and Foil (this one is self-explanatory).

Speaking of latter-day, I'm still bitter Shivani told me that Brandon Sanderson is a mormon and that's why I'm stuck a third of the way through Edgedancer.

This entry was originally posted at https://duinemerwen.dreamwidth.org/366876.html. Please comment there instead.

!meme, music, 30-day song challenge

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