Two dreams

Mar 29, 2021 01:53

Okay. So first, I dreamed I was recording a music podcast with a guy who actually does music podcasts.  And we held hands, because apparently I'm twelve years old.

Speaking of actually twelve years old, I got carded by the waiter at a Korean restaurant last week. I was sort of confused because... like... LCBO doesn't do it anymore? But also pretty chuffed, because it meant that my greys weren't showing.

After that I dreamed that I was working with you on a character sheet. I'd always known that D&D was something you would have loved, and I regret that I didn't get into it until it was too late. But we were working around the kitchen table in the corner on a sheet of honest-to-god graph paper because I'd forgotten to print out the templates. You said you weren't sure what class you wanted to play, maybe a cleric, and I told you we'd figure it out - whatever you picked was sure to fit with the rest of the party. I was so, so glad that we'd gotten the chance to play, that maybe I was wrong and it wasn't too late... but then I woke up.

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