The final straw

Apr 10, 2012 19:40

What's funny is that some evolutionists claim that prohibiting such teaching makes students better thinkers. how is showing one point of view and not letting students think about it in contrast with other viewpoints 'better thinking'? if evolution is true, it will stand true despite the other side's best efforts to disprove it. sheltering behind monologue is at best, avoiding an opportunity to prove the worth of evolutionists' convictions, and at worst, intellectual cowardice.
Posted by an old friend in support of the bill that allows for debate of evolution by teachers and the teaching of creationism in schools.

TLDR: If Tennessee’s “Monkey Bill” passes, teachers will be permitted to challenge scientific concepts such as evolution and climate change, and teach the Bible’s creation story.

Which teachers will teach evolution and which teachers will also teach creationism? Inevitably some teachers will favour one explanation over the other. In areas where creationism is the default explanation, teachers are likely to lean towards teaching creationism and, more importantly, casting doubt on the explanation offered by evolution, which will strengthen the convictions of the prevailing beliefs. In areas where evolution is the default explanation, teachers are unlikely to mention creationism much at all, as is the case in Canada, where about 58% accept evolution and 22% accept that God created humans.

I strongly believe that creationism, which was published in approximately one text several thousand years ago, has no place in a science classroom except as a passing mention, perhaps to draw parallels as to how light, and darkness, and the stars, planets, water, vegetation, seasons and clearer atmosphere, reptiles, fish, birds, mammals, and finally humans came into being in roughly that order. It's also impossible to debate the results of the experiment when you ARE the experiment.


I made 150 freezer bags of correlation study samples today and my shoulders are rather sore. I also have to watch a movie about metaphysics that was loaned to me by the janitor who is also probably a Mason. I really don't want to watch it. michiichan, I wish you were here to watch it with me to fling metaphorical tables at every chunk of pseudoscience they're gonna throw at me, but I'd rather ask you to sit through Titanic 3D with me, which is also a really embarrassing and slightly inconvenient request.

!misc, fb

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